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Philips rice cooker explode


instead of auto shut off and warming after cooking, it continues to cook until shit hits the fan. must be a short in the lice cooker. better to buy jap zojirushi.
We use the strove to cook rice in stainless steel port...less worry on eating teflon coating


Alfrescian (Inf)
Philips is owned by Chinese company liao...............the Dutch Philips only makes lighting and medical equipment now..........

Yes, back in the day Phillips was a brand of quality. I remember being taken to a Phillips warehouse sale in Sinkieland when I was a kid.

The Philips vaccuum cleaner lasted for many years. Not as long-lasting as an Electrolux, but still impressive.


NBCB..really made in Tiongland...



Made in Tiong Cock. My made in Tiong Cock Tiger rice cooker $199 also exploded.
I bought $799 but discounted to $299 made in Japan Tiger no problem so far.
I just paid 100 bucks more for peace of mind.