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Pfizer vaccines expiry date extended



Meanwhile, the Rockefeller Foundation is donating $7.2 million for the Mercury Project, which is behavioral research focused on convincing people to get the jab. Another Foundation we need to investigate.




It Turns Out Pfizer's Independent Safety Monitoring Board Isn't So Independent After All

Attorney Aaron Siri questions Kathryn Edwards, who was an advisor to Pfizer directly before becoming one of only five members of their safety monitoring board for the C19 shots.

Siri: "Why bother having an independent data safety monitoring board? Why doesn't Pfizer just have some of its employees on it?"

Edwards: "Because we are independent."

Siri: "Meaning folks who were never advisors to Pfizer."

Edwards: "We are independent from Pfizer in this assessment."


Singapore Dancing Spirit


This is what happens to vaccine on expiry day if not sold before expiration
So, they can simply print a new label with a new expiry date so as to extend the date of expiry?

It is a damn Serious Offence. Such practices came to light as Pfizer even asking certain nations to use with confidence their products on certain lots as Pfizer wants to manage the expectation of users-based on the demand and supply of the product. This is ridiculous. And vehemently refuted.


Who does the checks and balances for Pfizer?
Literally none.

It is simple.
Quality Control for Firms That Perform Audits and Reviews of Financial Statements. They won't go on quality checks on operational frauds.
The problem is US Government that simply approves all such practices keeping one eye closed.

When USA keeps their mouth shut, no other country come forward to address the issue. USA under Joe Biden cannot talk about FTX who sent the money from his laundry to Biden
PAP government is just a Yes-man to USA and invest huge money into FTX because there is none in SG can Question Ho CH9ing or CECA in Temasek

All US based companies and all the companies that sell theory products and services to SG and other nations with no quality checks
PAP government is YES_MAN to Zuckerburg even if Facebook violates data Privacy and it does not report the matter to USA
PAP government is YES_MAN to Larry page even if Google violates data Privacy
PAP government is YES_MAN to Jeff Bezos even if Amazon violates data Privacy

Whomever it may concern should exercise due diligent. with all checks and balances with so many agencies including Technology firms, Vaccine firms, government officials irrespective of nations or size or financial status. Otherwise, they all will have to take a stand and testify sooner. That is why they are drawing a huge salary for.
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