“The group isn’t every large, about 30 to 40, mostly old uncles and grannies. Some were carrying placards with the words ‘DBS, return our money’, ‘DBS, a big cheat and liar !’, ‘We demand justice and compensation !’ and shouting slogans interpersed with a few cantonese vulgarities directly personally at the bank managers.
The police had formed a cordon at the banks’ entrance to prevent the protestors from entering. One man shouted for DBS Hong Kong Managing Director to come out and see them. Suddenly, a middle-aged woman threw a glass bottle towards the direction of the stationed policemen and mayhem broke.
Emotions were running high amongst the protestors. There was a lot jostling and pushing. One woman tried to climb over the security cordon and fell on the police offiers. A scuffle broke out, batons were raised and a few protestors were beaten. I can’t imagine what would happen if they have managed to break through the barricades.”
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The police had formed a cordon at the banks’ entrance to prevent the protestors from entering. One man shouted for DBS Hong Kong Managing Director to come out and see them. Suddenly, a middle-aged woman threw a glass bottle towards the direction of the stationed policemen and mayhem broke.
Emotions were running high amongst the protestors. There was a lot jostling and pushing. One woman tried to climb over the security cordon and fell on the police offiers. A scuffle broke out, batons were raised and a few protestors were beaten. I can’t imagine what would happen if they have managed to break through the barricades.”
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