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Persian Dua Kee is not as stupid as normal sinki de woh....they know how to read the game and play it well


Etemad, another leading reformist daily in Tehran, interviewed former diplomat Qasem Mohebali about the impact of the Gaza war on Iran. Mohebali suggested that the war in the region poses both a threat and an opportunity for Iran. He argued that if the developments in the region are appropriately managed, it could even help to mend the ties between Iran and the West. However, he emphasized that the outcome would depend on Iran’s diplomatic actions.

On the other hand, Mohebali expressed concerns about the war spilling over into the region, posing significant threats to Iran. He warned that a larger regional war would not just involve Iran and Israel but could also draw in other players.



If they connected to global system under Normalization, they could becum Smartest Nation in no time liao


Persians are on the average smarter than the Arabs.

Among the Arabs, the Levant Arabs (Syrians, Jordanians, Iraqis, Lebanese) are smarter than the Gulf Arabs.

Many prominent Americans are of Levant Arab ancestry: Steve Jobs' father was Syrian. Paul Anka is Lebanese. The great US cardiothoracic surgeon DeBakey was Lebanese.