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'Peaceful' Nigeria muslims murder at least fifteen people in raids on 2 villages



Herdsmen, on Tuesday evening, attacked Tse Fela in Mbabuande and Tse Akyegh in Ikaaghev council wards in the Gwer West Local Government Area of Benue State, killing at least 15 people with additional bodies still being expected by the locals.

The Two council wards, Ikaaghev and Mbabuande, were overrun by herders after the attack.

At least eight bodies were recovered in Gwer West, while four bodies were recovered in Turan community in Kwande. Three people were killed in Agasha in Guma, officials said.

Amongst those killed were the council’s ward commander of the Community Volunteers Guard and six other community members.

The attack was confirmed by the district head of Ikaaghev, Chief Adi-Bata, who stated that the casualties of the attack would have been more if not for the alarm raised by community members after seeing strange faces parading in the community.

“If not for the alarm raised by members of the community, the number of casualties would have been very high”, Mr Adi-Bata said. …