Seething with rage over persistent Ang Moh's perception that nepotism is prevalent in Peasatpore, the present Paramount Leader of Peasant asserted and reminded yanks that his father has build up Peasantpore by his own efforts.
In Mr Rose's interview, Paramount Leader Lee Junior shrugged aside the embarrassing financial losses incurred by his father and wife while managing GLC and Temasick's ill fated 'investments', or rather 'failed speculation'. In the financial world, failed speculations often become investments.
In a unnamed Nordic country, the team that presided over the soverign fund's losses was given the boot. In Peasantpore, what happened was most amusing. Another Ang Moh was invited to replace Paramount Leader's wife and only to quit and yield the seat back to Her Highness, this is the best evidence that meritocracy is number two compared to 'relationship', that Peasantpore, a pseudo western country has succumbed to the age old corrupt practice of 'guan xi' that is prevalent in yellow Asiatic cultures. This is the main reason no peasant has dared to question Paramount Leader's father over GIC's ill-fated speculation in Citibank. In corrupt yellow culture, posing embarrassing questions to the 'tai sui' aka 太岁 is paramount to seeking a premature doom.
While Paramount Leader is correct that his father may have played a significant role for Peasantpore, it is wrong of him to misappropriate all credit online and crow about his family's birthright to rule Peasantpore based on his father's contribution.
In Mr Rose's interview, Paramount Leader Lee Junior shrugged aside the embarrassing financial losses incurred by his father and wife while managing GLC and Temasick's ill fated 'investments', or rather 'failed speculation'. In the financial world, failed speculations often become investments.
In a unnamed Nordic country, the team that presided over the soverign fund's losses was given the boot. In Peasantpore, what happened was most amusing. Another Ang Moh was invited to replace Paramount Leader's wife and only to quit and yield the seat back to Her Highness, this is the best evidence that meritocracy is number two compared to 'relationship', that Peasantpore, a pseudo western country has succumbed to the age old corrupt practice of 'guan xi' that is prevalent in yellow Asiatic cultures. This is the main reason no peasant has dared to question Paramount Leader's father over GIC's ill-fated speculation in Citibank. In corrupt yellow culture, posing embarrassing questions to the 'tai sui' aka 太岁 is paramount to seeking a premature doom.
While Paramount Leader is correct that his father may have played a significant role for Peasantpore, it is wrong of him to misappropriate all credit online and crow about his family's birthright to rule Peasantpore based on his father's contribution.