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Posted on 18 Feb 2010
'There's nothing we can do about the mess at the void deck'
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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According to STOMPer cinnez, the Town Council claims that nothing can be done about the messy and unsafe environment at a Jurong void deck.
The STOMPer said in an email:
"This void deck area in Jurong GRC is always full of empty beer bottles that have been left overnight.
"The rubbish bin is always overflowing with litter and the entire void deck is in a total mess every night.
"I wrote in to the Property Manager of Jurong GRC and Mr R Lau said that if I feel unsafe the next time I'm at the void deck, I should call the police.
"Apart from that, he is sorry that there's nothing they can do about this.
"Does he not understand that it's not just about the safety, but also that the people who are responsible for the mess are not being punished for their wrongdoings?
"Instead, the poor cleaners will need to clean up after them.
"So tell me, what is the point of tax payers paying money in support of such incompetent employees in the Town Council when all they can do is just say, 'I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do about this.'?"
Keywords: Jurong , Town Council , void deck , mess
'There's nothing we can do about the mess at the void deck'
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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According to STOMPer cinnez, the Town Council claims that nothing can be done about the messy and unsafe environment at a Jurong void deck.
The STOMPer said in an email:
"This void deck area in Jurong GRC is always full of empty beer bottles that have been left overnight.
"The rubbish bin is always overflowing with litter and the entire void deck is in a total mess every night.
"I wrote in to the Property Manager of Jurong GRC and Mr R Lau said that if I feel unsafe the next time I'm at the void deck, I should call the police.
"Apart from that, he is sorry that there's nothing they can do about this.
"Does he not understand that it's not just about the safety, but also that the people who are responsible for the mess are not being punished for their wrongdoings?
"Instead, the poor cleaners will need to clean up after them.
"So tell me, what is the point of tax payers paying money in support of such incompetent employees in the Town Council when all they can do is just say, 'I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do about this.'?"
Keywords: Jurong , Town Council , void deck , mess