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PAP prefer hoarding gold rather than giving welfare to the people.


The more pertinent question to ask is, why is pap doing this, ie, telling the world we have a lot of gold?
Now my slow brain says that there are forces outside endeavouring to take down the SGD.
Thus PAP wagging the proverbial handgun at the robbers.
But, these guys are sophisticated. They have people who are infinitely more intelligent and creative than those Sinkies running MAS.
They know exactly how much we have, the state of our economy, how much dirty money is sloshing around, which triggers to pull, which false flag to execute and they even know whether LHL has balls (we all know the jinx keeps it in her meat grinder, just in case) to defend their attacks and at which point he will capitulate.
If they could pull it off, it would be one of the biggest eclipsing all previous attacks combined. So that means they will need a whole slew of international actors, each will be rewarded handsomely, for it to be successful.
Now that the cat's out of the bag, do what you deem fit and hang tight for the ride!
I hope they can pull it off! It's a sight to behold, a once in a lifetime shitshow!
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PAP is right to strengthen and to preserve the value of our reserves via gold holdings.
No country, no family.