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Serious PAP Marching Into Slumkang GRC! Kick The Bloody Wankers Out!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
May I suggest that NCM stand for GE at Sengkang GRC

Since the residents of slumkang are so ungrateful to NTUC, we have decided that Bro Chee Meng stand for elections elsewhere. We're also looking into reducing the number of NTUC supermarkets. Oppies in slumkang can go shop at Cold Storage or Giant instead where their groceries are more expensive.


Since the residents of slumkang are so ungrateful to NTUC, we have decided that Bro Chee Meng stand for elections elsewhere. We're also looking into reducing the number of NTUC supermarkets. Oppies in slumkang can go shop at Cold Storage or Giant instead where their groceries are more expensive.
Got redmart and Sheng Siong and Venus Beauty who still buys from NTUC, Cold Storage and Giant vegetables fish chicken quality best in Singapore