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PAP knew this and needs more ceca's.

Singapore Dancing Spirit


He is not really praising India. He says he had been to almost all cities in China but it was his first visit ever to India. Why? He did not visit india before. It is crafty or cunning or sarcasm???

My discernments

It is “Damning
with faint praise” and it is an English idiom, expressing oxymoronically that half-hearted or insincere praise may act as oblique criticism or condemnation. In simpler terms, praise is given, but only given as high as mediocrity, which may be interpreted as passive-aggressive,

In other words he is praising India so as to control the growth of China…. Westerners are good at divide and rule. Gautama Buddha was shown who was an hardcore Indian, but Chinese in China and around the world worship him a God.

When westerner praises you please be careful as it is crafty!!

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Go there tio raped get food poisoning and tio scam ah?
I was walking down in one of the cities with a cowboy hat. I had seen a motorcycle came closer to me. The guy who sat behind the motorcycle meticulously forcefully removed my hat and the rider sped off with a maximum speed.

Did i report this matter to Indian police??
No need to. I am not a LOSER as it was part of my spiritual warfare with devil. Devil who used those tares to attack me and devil confessed it.

These 2 boys and devil will face charges under divine law. Chief justice of India and INSPECTOR GENERAL will be defending the case in Speakers corner in SG. Watch out for the event.

I had travelled to more countries but i have never seen a country like India all through my life.