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PAP is the best...


LKY taught them well, take care of Singapore infrastructure well and build more train stations to service the voters...

Well done PAP ...:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:



what's great about simple thing like construction?

pap piglets managed to eff up every single god damned thing with ceca virus kufr and anti Islamic anti Muslim policies all around all over the years.

it's on par with mumbai or chennai now. :roflmao:

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
PAP da best. If oppo run the country we will be languishing amongst ranks of Madagascar and Congo.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Some areas genuinely do not need MRT stations or MRT lines, but I guess construction projects are the only reliable way to grow the GDP for a totalitarian shithole. They also help to buff up the land/property prices nearby, excellent for a rent-seeking economy. :cool: