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Serious PAP Grassroots Adviser For Hougang SMC Serves As Ah Ma's Pall Bearer! Even Oppie Low Or Png Don't Get This Honour!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


Alfrescian (Inf)


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Great! He has set a precedent for himself and whichever pap dick they put in HG. All must do, every funeral must be pall bearer. Else, it would just be an election ploy.

It's an honor for our PAP grassroots adviser to serve as ah ma's pall bearer. It shows how hard our PAP leaders work on the ground despite winning nearly every seat in every GE. They don't take voters for granted, unlike elected oppies.


Old Fart
It's an honor for our PAP grassroots adviser to serve as ah ma's pall bearer. It shows how hard our PAP leaders work on the ground despite winning nearly every seat in every GE. They don't take voters for granted, unlike elected oppies.
They haven't won HG SMC, hence the extra effort to tuck at heart strings there. LTK and PEH attended every wake from what I understand. So the next WP MP will be doing likewise. And your pap advisor can continue to be pall bearer. It's a win-win for all HG residents. It's heartwarming to see the two parties working together for residents. Even the loser from your pap.


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's an honor for our PAP grassroots adviser to serve as ah ma's pall bearer. It shows how hard our PAP leaders work on the ground despite winning nearly every seat in every GE. They don't take voters for granted, unlike elected oppies.

Pls tell your grassroots advisor to avoid my funeral. He/she doesn’t qualify. Tqvm Sir John.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
They haven't won HG SMC, hence the extra effort to tuck at heart strings there. LTK and PEH attended every wake from what I understand. So the next WP MP will be doing likewise. And your pap advisor can continue to be pall bearer. It's a win-win for all HG residents. It's heartwarming to see the two parties working together for residents. Even the loser from your pap.

Fucking asshole!

We'll win Hougang SMC and kick the WP jerkoffs into the streets!


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's an honor for our PAP grassroots adviser to serve as ah ma's pall bearer. It shows how hard our PAP leaders work on the ground despite winning nearly every seat in every GE. They don't take voters for granted, unlike elected oppies.
Sir John , when you up lorry, can I have the honour of pressing the cremation oven start button?