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PAP arrests pro Hamas activists

Tay Fook Yuen

The problem with PAP is they want to win those "pork adverse" voters. Turns out they come around and bite them in the arse. Pandering them with "pork adverse" certified products and retail stores. Plenty of countries do not nor require to do this.

Now, they become a bunch of spoiled brats, demanding more and more.
They will NEVER put the nation before their political ideology. Time to dust the sheets and clear the cobwebs.


my guess is most of these cabinet motherfuckers got lots of assets stashed in europe and usa, thats why the pro AMDK stance.
best will be peesai stays neutral......taking sides will come back to haunt peesai


Old Fart
Those protesters ought to be jailed and then admitted to IMH to get their heads examined. Whether the palestinians live or die has nothing to do with us. We have more pressing political and social issues locally, which they should channel their energy to.
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Those protesters ought to be jailed and then admitted to IMH to get their heads examined. Whether the palestinians live or die have nothing to do with us. We have more pressing political and social issues locally, which they should channel their energy to.


Did these activists commit acts of violence or start a riot?

They were merely expressing their opinions in a peaceful manner. Yes, they were taking sides, but the PAP govt takes sides all the time in geopolitical conflicts. So what gives?


The problem with PAP is they want to win those "pork adverse" voters. Turns out they come around and bite them in the arse. Pandering them with "pork adverse" certified products and retail stores. Plenty of countries do not nor require to do this.

Now, they become a bunch of spoiled brats, demanding more and more.
They will NEVER put the nation before their political ideology. Time to dust the sheets and clear the cobwebs.
can't teach loyalty