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Serious PAP Arrest 5 South Asians For Taking Drugs In Little South Asia! Guess The South Asians' Nationality!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

On May 27, the police arrested five men for suspected drug-related offences and for not complying with safe distancing measures along 638 Veerasamy Road.

At 6:41pm that day, the police received a call for assistance.

Police officers who responded to the scene engaged five men, aged between 19 to 35. The police found that three were in possession of suspected drug-related substances and paraphernalia.

The five were subsequently arrested. Police investigations are still ongoing.

Incident shared online
The incident was allegedly captured in an Instagram post on adminsgfollowsall.

The post included a video of the supposed incident after the police had arrived.

In the video, five men can be seen sitting around a common area table on the roof of a building as police officers stand nearby.


The post claimed that the group were a "public nuisance", allegedly peeing and littering around the exercising corner on the rooftop.

The video also shows the men in handcuffs, escorted away from the scene by the police.


For the possession of controlled drugs, individuals may face up to 10 years imprisonment, or a fine of S$20,000 or both.

The consumption of drugs has the same maximum penalty as the possession of drugs.

For not complying with safe distancing measures, first-time offenders may face a fine of up to S$10,000, imprisonment for a term up to six months, or both. Repeat offenders may get tougher penalties.



Super Moderator
Little South Asia? that is so depreciating of the greatness of our Indian friends. Ah Tan ah, can tell your grassroots to feedback, it should called Greater South Asia in future instead :coffee::coffee::coffee:


all these 'south asian' crap is just to have a talking point and divert sinkees attention to more urgent things like lots of people losing jobs and prices of everything rising,
dont be sucked in


Alfrescian (Inf)
Isn't Blk 638 Veerasamy Road where the famous kopitiam is located? It has a roof garden there? I will explore that place next time. :biggrin: