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PAP’s incompetent 4G leadership


Firstly, banning folks from riding e-scooters on footpaths clearly lacked proper and careful deliberation of current circumstances. The PAP is just too used to simply removing anything and everything that gets in their way, instead of drawing up proper plans to tackle pressing problems.

We do not just ban vehicles on the road just because numerous fatal accidents happen each year do we? Scholars ensconced in their ivory towers evidently are clueless with regards to the fact that PMDs are a necessity for many to eke out a living, not just mere fanciful toys used for zipping around from point A to B.

Therefore it isn't hard to appreciate why hordes of food delivery riders were seen showing up at the MPS helmed by some “powerful” Ministers to express their frustration.

The second obvious demonstration of incompetency by PAP’s 4G leadership took place earlier this week in parliament, when PM-designate Heng Swee Keat was supposed to launch a politically-charged assault against WP leaders.

But for such a seemingly ‘routine’ act, he fumbled. He struck many as ill-prepared on account he could not adequately counter the retort from WP’s Sylvia Lim.

Doesn’t he know that the WP team could appeal against the present judgement? Whatever happened to thinking on his feet and hitting back there and then? Heng's apparent loss of words and wit were deemed outright shameful for a reputedly seasoned politician who has been at this game of musical chairs for years.

More at https://tinyurI.com/y33w745v


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Firstly, banning folks from riding e-scooters on footpaths clearly lacked proper and careful deliberation of current circumstances.
i disagree. Banning PMD from footpaths is the correct decision.

PAP not banning them from the start is the incompetence.

It shows their lack of foresight, and that led these PMD to invest monies on new PMDs. Who wouldn't be pissoff after spending money on a white elephant that has practically no use now, other than for entertainment at the limited approved cycle lanes.


I would think it better to regulate it than outright ban. Like having riders to go through training and tests. Minimum age, Licensing and insurance also mandatory.


Alfrescian (Inf)
On the road, they kill themselves, on the footpaths, they kill pedestrains

PAP is killing Singaporeans? ha ha ha ha Every dead sinkee, they can bring in 5 to replace & 5 can buy 1.5m condoM, that will generate 7,500,000 basic plus interets times 10, 20, 30... who is much worth in economic terms? ha ha ha ha


Old Fart
Escooter are not suited for the road. Same wheel diameter and higher CG make them not as stable as bicycle. I know it cause i am a escooterist having log about 10k km for the past 5 years.
Then you should be riding a bicycle, since a bicycle is more stable. PMD/PMA should only be used by the old or handicapped.

Insider Player

i disagree. Banning PMD from footpaths is the correct decision.

PAP not banning them from the start is the incompetence.

It shows their lack of foresight, and that led these PMD to invest monies on new PMDs. Who wouldn't be pissoff after spending money on a white elephant that has practically no use now, other than for entertainment at the limited approved cycle lanes.
Yes totally agree
Why no action when PMDs first appeared? Can’t be bothered to lazy and slow to react
Another pap trait....always too little too late......


On the road, they kill themselves, on the footpaths, they kill pedestrains
Allow them on the roads, not footpaths
Escooter are not suited for the road. Same wheel diameter and higher CG make them not as stable as bicycle. I know it cause i am a escooterist having log about 10k km for the past 5 years.

Seriously, what we need are dedicated cycling lanes ON the roads, for PMDs, PABs and bicycles.

That's my honest opinion after having tried bicycles on roads (hazardous!) and PMDs on sidewalks (even more hazardous!)


Seriously, what we need are dedicated cycling lanes ON the roads, for PMDs, PABs and bicycles.

That's my honest opinion after having tried bicycles on roads (hazardous!) and PMDs on sidewalks (even more hazardous!)
Agree, if cant have dedicated lanes, then limit and reduce the population, cars, bicycles, PMDs


Alfrescian (Inf)
If we had proper term limits: serve 2-3 terms max and fuck off riding into the sunset, we wouldn't have this conversation about 3G/4G/5G, macam talking about mobile broadband speeds. :rolleyes:

Most of the Chinese/Asian folks still haven't outgrown the 'divine mandate to rule' bullshit. The ang mohs, despite their flaws, had outgrown it with the Magna Carta, then further refined by the Americans' US Constitution.



Alfrescian (Inf)
The quick turnaround in position tells us that:

a) ministries are making policies in silos, with no consideration outside of their telescopic range.
b) senior civil servants are supporting their incompetent ministers with all sorts silly ideas which
appear to be born out of a 30-minute office table discussion.
c) "banning" and "raise prices" are the only two options they can come up with to develop solutions to problems.
Tay Kheng Soon had a simple idea for co-existence - build good looking strips onto the pathways to force bicycles and
PMDs to slow down.