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Panama Canal Drought

Byebye Penis

PANAMA CITY, Sept 12 (Reuters) - The Panama Canal could further reduce the maximum number of authorized daily vessel transits if this year's drought continues, the waterway's administrator said on Tuesday.

A backlog of ships is waiting to pass through the trans-oceanic canal, which handles an estimated 5% of world trade. It began restricting vessel draft and daily passage authorizations this year to conserve water.


syed putra


Nicaragua’s US$50b rival to Panama Canal ‘going ahead slowly’ as funding evaporates and Chinese investor keeps low profile​

The canal, if finished, could give China a major foothold in Central America, a region long dominated by the United States


Alfrescian (Inf)
Limpeh don't care about drought in the Panama canal. Limpeh only care about the drought in the vaginal canal. :biggrin:
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