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Palestinians are not worth saving. They're a bunch of 反骨仔.


Alfrescian (Inf)


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just call them stateless Arabs. 'Palestinians' are as relevant as Phoenicians or Canaanites today.

Be an Israeli citizen. If not, fuck off to one of the neighbouring Arab countries, they will take pity and let some of you in. :rolleyes:


too many bots
many religious scholars in this forum. very interesting views from both sides. today, i follow a fren to church and pastor in his congregation also ask us to pray for the innocent civilian palestinians who are the one suffering the most between the fight of Idf and hamas.


many religious scholars in this forum. very interesting views from both sides. today, i follow a fren to church and pastor in his congregation also ask us to pray for the innocent civilian palestinians who are the one suffering the most between the fight of Idf and hamas.
What kind of friend are you? You allow your 'friend' to go to a church to worship idols?


If not, fuck off to one of the neighbouring Arab countries, they will take pity and let some of you in
that is what my ex colleague palestinian girl (fren only so pls don't misunderstand) is doing. she is happily living and working in UAE and now call herself an Arab