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Pakistan: Pious Muslim mob lynch tourist over allegations he desecrated Islamic holy texts



Mohammad Ismail was abducted from a police station where he was being held after accusations were made that he'd burned pages of the Quran.​


Police in north-western Pakistan launched a search on Friday for hundreds of individuals involved in a mob attack which saw a tourist murdered and his body burnt over allegations he desecrated a copy of the Quran, according to multiple media reports.

Mohammad Ismail was being held in a police station on Thursday night over accusations he burnt several pages of the Quran, the Associated Press reported while citing police official Zahid Khan. Hundreds of people then swarmed the station, abducting Ismail, beating him to death and burning his body.

Ismail’s body was recovered on a roadside after the attackers abandoned it.

Blasphemy laws in Pakistan​

Insulting Islamic figures or faith in Pakistan can land someone a blasphemy charge, which can result in a death sentence. Accusations of blasphemy have also led to numerous mob attacks.