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Pakistan: Muslims vandalize Hindu temple, desecrate idols over claim of blasphemy


As ever, if the roles were reversed here, this would be the focus of extensive international coverage, but as it is, this will be ignored.

“Hindu temple vandalised, idols desecrated in Pakistan’s Karachi over blasphemy allegation,” November 2, 2020:

Karachi: A Hindu temple was vandalised by a group of people in Pakistan’s Karachi after blasphemy allegations were made against a boy from the Hindu community.

The mob also desecrated the idols of Hindu gods and defaced the temple premises, accusing a boy of the minority community of blasphemy. The incident happened on Sunday night in Salaar compound of Karachi’s Lyari area.

In a video, people can be seen showing the damage inflicted by the mob and complaining about the conditions of Hindus in Pakistan….