Palestinian Islamic Scholar Mraweh Nassar: The Jews Now Claim Biblical Jerusalem Is Located In Ukraine; They Instigated The War There In Order To Empty Out Ukraine And Move In Islamic scholar Mraweh Nassar, the Secretary-General of the Jerusalem Committee of the International Union of Muslims Scholars, said in a March 22, 2022 interview on the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Arabic-language Channel 9 (Turkey) that the war in Ukraine was instigated by the Jews in order to establish a Jewish state there to replace Israel. He explained that the Jews have been forsaken by America and the West, who have come to realize that the Zionist project is a failure that will come to an end within two years. He elaborated that the Israelis have thus realigned with Russia and China.
In addition, Nassar said that the Jews have been "convinced that Palestine cannot be the state for the Jews" and now claim that Ukraine is a Jewish state and that the Temple and biblical Jerusalem are, in fact, located there. Nassar also spoke about the "false Holocaust," saying that there weren't nearly as many Jews killed by the Germans as people claim. He also claimed that it was Jews who forsook the German Jews in WWII, much like they are forsaking Ukrainian Jews today. For more information about Mraweh Nassar, see MEMRI TV Clips Nos. 8951, 8854, 8697, 8426, and 8246.
Mraweh Nassar: "The [Israelis] understand nothing but force. If the security of their state depends on aligning with Russia, or at least being neutral, they will do this even if it means sacrificing the [Ukrainian] Jews.