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Pakistan is marketing Hindu and Christian women as ‘concubines’ and ‘forced brides’ to China


Pakistan is marketing Hindu and Christian women as “concubines” and “forced brides” to China, according to the top US diplomat for religious freedom, Samuel Brownback.

One of the sources of “forced brides” for Chinese men are “religious minorities, Christian and Hindu women, being marketed as concubines and as forced as brides into China”, Brownback told reporters on Tuesday.

That was happening “because there’s not effective support and there’s discrimination against religious minorities that make them more vulnerable,” he said.

He mentioned this as one of the reasons for designating Pakistan as a country of particular concern (CPC) under the International Religious Freedom Act.

Because of the one-child policy imposed by China for decades, there is an acute shortage of women given the cultural preference for boys leading to Chinese men importing women from other countries as brides, mistresses and labourers….

Asked by a Pakistani reporter if there was a double standard in Pompeo giving Pakistan the CPC designation and not India, Brownback said that while in Pakistan, a lot of the actions against minorities are taken by the government, that was not the case in India.

“Pakistan has half of the world’s people that are locked up for apostasy or blasphemy,” he said….

syed putra

Why must it be to china? I doubt if they can survive one week wuth a ch8naman and the horrid food they eat. Chupputies with dual better tasting than kampung Chinese food.
Why can't they sell it to middle east? The food there taste better.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why is it that it is permissible for halal cocks to penetrate haram pussies, but the peaceful tribe will scream murder if a haram cock were to penetrate a halal pussy?

Many young lovers driven to suicide in CECA land because their families refused to let them marry due to religious reasons.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Why must it be to china? I doubt if they can survive one week wuth a ch8naman and the horrid food they eat. Chupputies with dual better tasting than kampung Chinese food.
Why can't they sell it to middle east? The food there taste better.

Just fuck and throw away. Their harvested organs are worth more. :cool:


Minah girls better. If not for Islam spoil the fun Minah girls are price catch and fuck the mailroom m&ds can go grab Burmhist pussies...


Why must it be to china? I doubt if they can survive one week wuth a ch8naman and the horrid food they eat. Chupputies with dual better tasting than kampung Chinese food.
Why can't they sell it to middle east? The food there taste better.
Can get to eat bats over there