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Pakistan court: 14-year-old Christian girl kidnapped and converted to Islam must remain married to her captor


These “love jihad” incidents are motivated by supremacist assumptions. The idea is that the Muslim community will always grow at the expense of the non-Muslim community. In the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the court shares the same assumptions.

“Pakistani Court Rules 14-Year-Old Christian Girl Must Remain Married to Muslim Kidnapper,” by John Hayward, Breitbart, August 6, 2020:

A court in Pakistan ruled on Tuesday that 14-year-old Christian girl Maira Shahbaz voluntarily converted to Islam and is legally married to an older Muslim man named Mohamad Nakash, even though Maira and her family say Nakash kidnapped her at gunpoint with two accomplices during the coronavirus lockdown in April.
If the ruling stands, Maira will be forced to return from the shelter where she is staying to the home where she was held hostage.
Witnesses say Maira was walking home on April 28 in the town of Madina when Nakash and two accomplices forced her into a car, fired several gunshots into the air, and sped away.
When her family reported the kidnapping, Nakash produced a “marriage certificate” that listed the girl’s age as 19, even though her family has a birth certificate proving she is only 14. The certificate listed the date of the marriage as last October, six months before Nakash abducted Maira. The Muslim cleric who ostensibly signed the birth certificate denied any involvement in the “marriage” when questioned.
In July, the Shahbaz family prevailed upon the top cleric of a local mosque to issue a fatwa (religious edict) that Nakash’s marriage certificate was invalid. Human rights activists supported the family by pointing out that not only was the imam’s signature on the document fraudulent, but Nakash was already married to another woman not mentioned on the document.
Polygamy is legal but regulated in Pakistan, and one of the regulations is that existing wives must give written approval for additional marriages.
Marriage to girls under the age of 16 is technically illegal, but activists complain the Child Marriage Restraint Act is not vigorously enforced and often set aside in favor of Islamic sharia, which allows girls to be married off once they experience their first menstrual cycle. The United Nations rates Pakistan as one of the worst countries in the world for child brides, with some 3 percent of girls wedded before the age of 15.
Pakistan has a law against forced religious conversion that stipulates a minimum age of 18 for changing religions without parental consent. This law also encounters resistance from Islamists who cite sharia and Muslim historical precedents for young children converting to Islam….
The Shahbaz family has reportedly had little contact with Maira since she was kidnapped. According to Sandhu, Maira’s mother Nighat Shahbaz collapsed and was treated to [sic] a heart attack when seeing her for the first time since her abduction at a May court hearing. Nighat Shahbaz refused to speak with reporters after the Lahore High Court ruling.
“Around 1,000 Christian and Hindu women are abducted each year in Pakistan and typically forced to convert to Islam,” the UK Telegraph said on Wednesday, quoting the Movement for Solidarity and Peace. Christians make up about two percent of Pakistan’s population.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
These “love jihad” incidents are motivated by supremacist assumptions. The idea is that the Muslim community will always grow at the expense of the non-Muslim community. In the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the court shares the same assumptions.

To know whether kidnapping kids is legal in moslem sharia, one should just check whether muhammad and his close companions did such things in the hadith and quran, and gained their allah's approval. It's pretty much easy to see what sort of behaviour is islamic.


Old Fart
To know whether kidnapping kids is legal in moslem sharia, one should just check whether muhammad and his close companions did such things in the hadith and quran, and gained their allah's approval. It's pretty much easy to see what sort of behaviour is islamic.
How then can Muslims claim their holy book was written by their prophet? Seems to me it was the work of heathens and lustful fuckers.

syed putra

Believers must be righteous and just.
This incident is totally opposite to that.
Religion makes you do silly things and comes up with illogical response.
Islam was never meant to be a religion dictated by clerics and priests,
Its between you and the creator. You seek guidance only from Him.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
How then can Muslims claim their holy book was written by their prophet? Seems to me it was the work of heathens and lustful fuckers.

If you were in porkistan, the porkis would have you killed, your home burnt and your female family members raped for saying that. That's how blasphemy laws work in moslem societies.

Whether muhammad is a real prophet, you can see it by his own actions and by the actions of his most fanatical followers. They are fanatical enough that they want to wear like muhammad, have beards like muhammad and even copy his career in caravan raids, beheading and enslavement against non-believers.


Believers must be righteous and just.
This incident is totally opposite to that.
Religion makes you do silly things and comes up with illogical response.
Islam was never meant to be a religion dictated by clerics and priests,
Its between you and the creator. You seek guidance only from Him.
Go be christian better la! This moslem too problematic liao la!


Old Fart
If you were in porkistan, the porkis would have you killed, your home burnt and your female family members raped for saying that. That's how blasphemy laws work in moslem societies.

Whether muhammad is a real prophet, you can see it by his own actions and by the actions of his most fanatical followers. They are fanatical enough that they want to wear like muhammad, have beards like muhammad and even copy his career in caravan raids, beheading and enslavement against non-believers.
Between Mohammad and Jesus, I would take the latter anytime. It baffles me that there are people following Mo's teachings and accepting the quran as the word of Allah.

At the end of the day, it is best to not subscribe to any holy books. At most, appreciate or even adopt their good moral teachings, and junk the rest. Because even fairy tales have their value too.