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From: "Robert HO @ Sam's Alfresco Coffee" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 06:42:51 -0500
The following message was sent to you via the Sam's Alfresco Coffee Contact Us form by Robert HO ( mailto:[email protected] ).
1. Suppose in a certain constituency, 190,000 voters voted. The exact even split of votes between PAP and Opposition would be 190,000 /2 = 95,000 votes each.
2. Suppose the Opposition won by 1 vote, so it got 95,000 + 1 = 95,001 votes, meaning that the PAP would get 94,999 votes, giving the Opposition a majority of 2 votes.
3. To cheat this election from a loss into a win, the PAP needs to either throw away or deliberately don't count at least 3 Opposition votes, to give the PAP a majority of 1 vote. OR the PAP can ADD 3 fake votes to overcome the Opposition's majority of 2 votes. Both methods are almost impossible to prevent and is probably done every election, given that the Election Dept which conducts every election is directly under the Prime Minister's Office. "Elections are decided not by those who cast the votes but by those who count the votes" [Stalin]. As long as there is no independent Election Commission, LIE KY will continue to rig every election. Hence the mathematically, statistically, electorally, politically impossible current result of winning 82 parliamentary seats out of 84!
[Paras F, C, D are from my blog article at http://i-came-i-saw-i-solved-it.blogspot.com/2010/06/lky-lhl-wks-election-riggings-emailed.html]:
F. On another note, another insidious Elections Dept practiceis a breach of election laws, too. At polling stations, voters queue up, then when their turn comes, they have to hand over their NRICs for identification. Well and good. This could be done silently, to the seated officials, who can then verify the voter's identity and hand him a ballot slip. However, the way the Elections Dept does it, the voter hands over his NRIC, not to the seated officials, but to another official who deliberately stands a distance from the seated officials, who checks the NRIC, THEN SHOUTS OUT TWICE THE NAME AND NRIC NUMBER OF THE VOTER. This not only intimidates the voter, who having been thus identified, has only the solace of a 3-sided cardboard booth to mark his ballot, quivering in fear that he might be observed marking his choice. In fact, if the secret police or ISD had previously installed hidden cameras to record how each voter voted, that is, which party he marked for, this visual footage, together with the audio recording of the voter's name and nric, makes it quick and easy to compile a complete list of HOW EVERY VOTER VOTED, given that each polling stations handles only a fixed, small number of voters, all pre-identified and alloted their particular polling station. Even if the top of the 3-sided cardboard booths are covered, which they are not, cheap Through The Wall Surveillance Cameras [http://www.google.com.sg/search?hl=...+imaging+devices&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=] can 'see through' the top covering. This makes it difficult for the voting to be secret, even if the voter covers his ballot slip when marking it.
C. The Elections Dept Returning Officers were party to this criminal election rigging because according to election laws, NO MORE BALLOT BOXES MAY BE ADMITTED FOR COUNTING ONCE COUNTING COMMENCES, TO PREVENT FRAUD, OBVIOUSLY. [The Returnoing Officer is duty bound to ensure that
all ballot boxes
are in place before allowing counting to commence.]
D. This means that the Election Dept, which is within the Prime Minister's Office, was involved in the conspiracy and crime to commit election fraud, all premeditated, since the fake ballot boxes and fake PAP votes must all be prepared beforehand, probably also routinely done in every single General Election, which may explain the statistically, politically and electorally IMPOSSIBLE result of the PAP winning 82 out of 84 seats in Parliament!
4. However, cheating elections must be done with the fewest people knowing it, thus must be limited to the fewest, trusted henchmen. With LIE KY having lost most of his clout and being much less feared today than say, a few years ago, thanks largely to the internet and my 18 years of publicising his crimes, incompetence [unbelievable even 5 years ago but now accepted, thanks to my relentless analysis of his screw ups, flawed thinking and policies and sheer idiocy], LIE KY has little clout left to inspire fear let alone respect. I have proven that his trumpeted 'achievements' are no more than economic bubbles [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQCab3QZbBk] of constantly increasing imports of foreign workers and constantly inflating prices of everything especially public housing HDB flats, both unsustainable. I have also proven why his singleminded pursuit of high GDP numbers has totally distorted the economy into a dinosaur, in danger of extinction once conditions change. From a seeming visionary and seer, he now seems more in need of a seeing-eye dog. Thus, it is entirely possible that leaks, even blogs, books and interviews may surface in the future exposing all of LIE KY's election cheatings. Until then, here is an idea to deter, if nothing else, further PAP election cheatings.
5. Because this idea depends on the cooperation of the voters, it is very important, because it gives the voters the responsibility, individually, to ensure fair elections. Once they understand how they themselves, individually, can help ensure fair elections, you would have educated them on one of the most important responsibilities of citizenship. Once they understand the importance of fair elections, the climate for cheating elections will change forever. Currently, voting is reduced to a frustrating mere marking of a cross on a ballot paper and even this long awaited right to choose his govt is denied to most voters because of the GRC system [http://www.google.com.sg/search?aq=...id=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=grc+system+in+singapore]. Many voters have given up hope of effecting a change in govt despite voting against the PAP every election and taking the trouble of ranting anonymously online, some every single day.
6. The idea is simple. The voter, after marking his cross for the party he wants to vote for, turns the ballot paper over and writes a say, 4 or 5 digit PIN number, which can be all Numbers, all Words, or Both, that is, Alphanumeric. Thus, 3 possibilities. Which of these 3 possibilities, as well as the number of digits, say, 4 or 5, can be chosen and announced by a chosen Opposition candidate, preferably on the last day of campaigning or last day before Voting Day. By choosing whether voters should write 4 or 5 digits, and whether this PIN be all words, all numbers, or both, fake ballot papers cannot be prepared beforehand. Of course, there is still time to fake many ballot papers after this chosen Opposition candidate has chosen his choices but we make it much harder. For example, in securing a premises, nothing is totally secure. Every lock can be broken, given time and effort. Security is thus, in practice, making it harder to cheat. Thus, this chosen Opposition candidate, and only he, should make these choices to ensure total secrecy.
7. To enable the voter to play his part in ensuring fair elections, an important lesson in civic education in itself, creating an important climate hostile to election rigging, so that if news does break out about LIE KY's past cheatings, the backlash will be all that greater, all voters will be asked to remember his PIN and write his PIN on the top left hand corner of a white envelope, put the correct stamp on it, AND POST IT IMMEDIATELY ON ELECTION DAY AND CERTAINLY NOT AFTER, so that LIE KY cannot fake some of these PIN Letters and send them, for the purpose of matching his faked votes to the corresponding 'correct' fake PIN from fake Letters [see how hard cheating would become?]. Since each letter would be chopped and delivered as a normal letter, it would carry a post office chop and probably a time stamp or date chop as well [this can be arranged if LIE KY is forced to by public pressure to adopt this idea].
8. Since the PIN will be handwritten on the top left hand corner of a white envelope, it can be easily read by ordinary optical character reader [OCR] so no need for human reading [but do read by humans a percentage of such PIN Letters to ensure LIE KY does not cheat]. Currently, in the post offices, all postal code numbers are read by OCR, even handwritten postal code numbers, so this is easy.
9. Coming back to our constituency election results from para 1, 2, 3, LIE KY needs to fake 3 votes to win. If he cannot simply fake the total votes counted, that is, if the Opposition can get enough Counting Officials to ensure that the counting is indeed, honest, then he has to fake actual physical ballots. With our idea, this will be very difficult. Firstly, it is unlikely the Opposition's [real] winning majority will be just a few votes; more likely several thousands. This means that LIE KY has to fake actual physical votes of several thousands to turn his loss into a win. Since every ballot paper will now need not only a cross against a party symbol and party name, but also a PIN on the back, this fact alone is a big deterrent and creates a difficult climate for cheating. It is one thing, very easy, to fake a cross on a fake ballot paper but very difficult to add a fake PIN on the back. Psychologically, it is a huge deterrent. The criminal faker feels very, very, wrong and criminal. He is totally aware he is committing a real, big, crime.
10. Now we come to how the PIN works. Suppose the voters all understand how important it is to write the PIN and to send his PIN Letter, so the number of voters who did not comply with this is only, say, 5%. That is, 5% of voters did not write their PIN or send their PIN Letter. This immediately means that LIE KY cannot fake more than 5% of the votes. [Each PIN Letter must also be marked for the constituency in which the voter voted. This can be easy by giving a separate letter box address for each constituency]. If a recount or check is required by the Opposition to tally each vote against its corresponding PIN Letter, and since there are only 5% no-PINs, meaning that there are 95% of PIN Letters, so 95% of the votes will be found to have a corresponding, correct, PIN Letter. If LIE KY fakes more than 5%, then the excess over 5% cannot be 'explained' by the excuse of no-PINs while 95% of the ballot papers will be correctly matched to a PIN Letter. LIE KY can ask all his PAP supporters not to write or send the PIN Letter but again, this involves many people in what is an obvious attempt to cheat elections. If LIE KY does this, his status drop to real 0 from his current near 0. Asking your supporters to facilitate your cheating elections not only drops your status to 0, but opens you to future blackmail from disgruntled former supporters.
11. Because nobody can predict how many percent of no-PINs there will be, this uncertainty is a huge deterrent to LIE KY faking ballot papers. He can ask his post office to throw away a big percentage of such PIN Letters but this involves post office officials and workers, thus bad for cheating elections because election cheating must be done with the fewest people in the know. The more people who know, and the less the fear, loyalty and obedience LIE KY can inspire, which is very little nowadays, the more dangerous it is to involve the post office workers.
12. This idea works much like the online banks double safety method of Two Factor Authentication [TFA], which is a good argument for the Opposition to insist on having this system for all future elections. In TFA, when you type in your password, you get through only to the first stage of your online bank account. Almost immediately after you have typed in your password, the bank computer sends an SMS to your cellphone, whose number you have pre-registered with the bank. This SMS contains a random One Time Password or PIN number that you must then key into your online bank page within 10 minutes. Then, if BOTH factors are correct, then and only then, are you able to access your online bank account. This idea, by using 2 different procedures, one in which the Election Dept conducts the voting, and the second, in which the voter HIMSELF, INDIVIDUALLY, sends his PIN Letter to authenticate his vote on the ballot paper, thus ensures the fairness of the elections. The voter, by his own volition and initiative, thus plays the biggest part in ensuring fair elections. It is a way to put power back into the hands of the voter and people, who have for 51 years been intimidated into sullen, angry, obedient subservience. Power to the People!
13. This idea does not need the cooperation of the PAP govt. The Opposition can, preferably in unison, publicise this idea and ask all voters to cooperate. The PIN Letters can be sent to a friendly Embassy in Singapore and according to international laws and practices, all communications such as fax, email, letters, etc, to embassies must not be censored or prevented from arrival. Further, when the Opposition asks the voters to cooperate and they will, an informal pact is made between the Opposition and the voters, a very important outcome of this idea. This pact [wink, wink] is a pact between the Opposition and the people against the PAP govt cheating the elections [wink, wink]. The Opposition has been too afraid to quote my blog or my YouTube video or articles, so this is a good way to hint to the people, many of whom already know my works, that LIE KY, his son 2A1B, and his nephew in law, WKS, have all been cheating all this while and that together, the Opposition and the voters can stop them.
14. If the Opposition and online netizens push for this idea, LIE KY 2A1B WKS etc will find it almost impossible to refuse or even argue against. It is like arguing against the double safety of online bankings' Two Factor Authentication -- you are against it only if you have criminal cheating intentions! Nobody argues against better security! So, once this idea is publicised, even LIE KY will have to implement it. The only argument against it is work, which in this case is so simple -- just sending a letter -- this argument of 'too much work' will not be taken seriously, meaning it will be counterproductive and exposes the anti-idea arguments as having intention to cheat elections.
[To contact me for further discussion, etc]:
Robert HO
28 Bukit Batok Street 52
#20-03 Guilin View
Singapore 659248
Tel: 68989553
CellPhone: 90127417
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]</[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 06:42:51 -0500
The following message was sent to you via the Sam's Alfresco Coffee Contact Us form by Robert HO ( mailto:[email protected] ).
1. Suppose in a certain constituency, 190,000 voters voted. The exact even split of votes between PAP and Opposition would be 190,000 /2 = 95,000 votes each.
2. Suppose the Opposition won by 1 vote, so it got 95,000 + 1 = 95,001 votes, meaning that the PAP would get 94,999 votes, giving the Opposition a majority of 2 votes.
3. To cheat this election from a loss into a win, the PAP needs to either throw away or deliberately don't count at least 3 Opposition votes, to give the PAP a majority of 1 vote. OR the PAP can ADD 3 fake votes to overcome the Opposition's majority of 2 votes. Both methods are almost impossible to prevent and is probably done every election, given that the Election Dept which conducts every election is directly under the Prime Minister's Office. "Elections are decided not by those who cast the votes but by those who count the votes" [Stalin]. As long as there is no independent Election Commission, LIE KY will continue to rig every election. Hence the mathematically, statistically, electorally, politically impossible current result of winning 82 parliamentary seats out of 84!
[Paras F, C, D are from my blog article at http://i-came-i-saw-i-solved-it.blogspot.com/2010/06/lky-lhl-wks-election-riggings-emailed.html]:
F. On another note, another insidious Elections Dept practiceis a breach of election laws, too. At polling stations, voters queue up, then when their turn comes, they have to hand over their NRICs for identification. Well and good. This could be done silently, to the seated officials, who can then verify the voter's identity and hand him a ballot slip. However, the way the Elections Dept does it, the voter hands over his NRIC, not to the seated officials, but to another official who deliberately stands a distance from the seated officials, who checks the NRIC, THEN SHOUTS OUT TWICE THE NAME AND NRIC NUMBER OF THE VOTER. This not only intimidates the voter, who having been thus identified, has only the solace of a 3-sided cardboard booth to mark his ballot, quivering in fear that he might be observed marking his choice. In fact, if the secret police or ISD had previously installed hidden cameras to record how each voter voted, that is, which party he marked for, this visual footage, together with the audio recording of the voter's name and nric, makes it quick and easy to compile a complete list of HOW EVERY VOTER VOTED, given that each polling stations handles only a fixed, small number of voters, all pre-identified and alloted their particular polling station. Even if the top of the 3-sided cardboard booths are covered, which they are not, cheap Through The Wall Surveillance Cameras [http://www.google.com.sg/search?hl=...+imaging+devices&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=] can 'see through' the top covering. This makes it difficult for the voting to be secret, even if the voter covers his ballot slip when marking it.
C. The Elections Dept Returning Officers were party to this criminal election rigging because according to election laws, NO MORE BALLOT BOXES MAY BE ADMITTED FOR COUNTING ONCE COUNTING COMMENCES, TO PREVENT FRAUD, OBVIOUSLY. [The Returnoing Officer is duty bound to ensure that
all ballot boxes
are in place before allowing counting to commence.]
D. This means that the Election Dept, which is within the Prime Minister's Office, was involved in the conspiracy and crime to commit election fraud, all premeditated, since the fake ballot boxes and fake PAP votes must all be prepared beforehand, probably also routinely done in every single General Election, which may explain the statistically, politically and electorally IMPOSSIBLE result of the PAP winning 82 out of 84 seats in Parliament!
4. However, cheating elections must be done with the fewest people knowing it, thus must be limited to the fewest, trusted henchmen. With LIE KY having lost most of his clout and being much less feared today than say, a few years ago, thanks largely to the internet and my 18 years of publicising his crimes, incompetence [unbelievable even 5 years ago but now accepted, thanks to my relentless analysis of his screw ups, flawed thinking and policies and sheer idiocy], LIE KY has little clout left to inspire fear let alone respect. I have proven that his trumpeted 'achievements' are no more than economic bubbles [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQCab3QZbBk] of constantly increasing imports of foreign workers and constantly inflating prices of everything especially public housing HDB flats, both unsustainable. I have also proven why his singleminded pursuit of high GDP numbers has totally distorted the economy into a dinosaur, in danger of extinction once conditions change. From a seeming visionary and seer, he now seems more in need of a seeing-eye dog. Thus, it is entirely possible that leaks, even blogs, books and interviews may surface in the future exposing all of LIE KY's election cheatings. Until then, here is an idea to deter, if nothing else, further PAP election cheatings.
5. Because this idea depends on the cooperation of the voters, it is very important, because it gives the voters the responsibility, individually, to ensure fair elections. Once they understand how they themselves, individually, can help ensure fair elections, you would have educated them on one of the most important responsibilities of citizenship. Once they understand the importance of fair elections, the climate for cheating elections will change forever. Currently, voting is reduced to a frustrating mere marking of a cross on a ballot paper and even this long awaited right to choose his govt is denied to most voters because of the GRC system [http://www.google.com.sg/search?aq=...id=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=grc+system+in+singapore]. Many voters have given up hope of effecting a change in govt despite voting against the PAP every election and taking the trouble of ranting anonymously online, some every single day.
6. The idea is simple. The voter, after marking his cross for the party he wants to vote for, turns the ballot paper over and writes a say, 4 or 5 digit PIN number, which can be all Numbers, all Words, or Both, that is, Alphanumeric. Thus, 3 possibilities. Which of these 3 possibilities, as well as the number of digits, say, 4 or 5, can be chosen and announced by a chosen Opposition candidate, preferably on the last day of campaigning or last day before Voting Day. By choosing whether voters should write 4 or 5 digits, and whether this PIN be all words, all numbers, or both, fake ballot papers cannot be prepared beforehand. Of course, there is still time to fake many ballot papers after this chosen Opposition candidate has chosen his choices but we make it much harder. For example, in securing a premises, nothing is totally secure. Every lock can be broken, given time and effort. Security is thus, in practice, making it harder to cheat. Thus, this chosen Opposition candidate, and only he, should make these choices to ensure total secrecy.
7. To enable the voter to play his part in ensuring fair elections, an important lesson in civic education in itself, creating an important climate hostile to election rigging, so that if news does break out about LIE KY's past cheatings, the backlash will be all that greater, all voters will be asked to remember his PIN and write his PIN on the top left hand corner of a white envelope, put the correct stamp on it, AND POST IT IMMEDIATELY ON ELECTION DAY AND CERTAINLY NOT AFTER, so that LIE KY cannot fake some of these PIN Letters and send them, for the purpose of matching his faked votes to the corresponding 'correct' fake PIN from fake Letters [see how hard cheating would become?]. Since each letter would be chopped and delivered as a normal letter, it would carry a post office chop and probably a time stamp or date chop as well [this can be arranged if LIE KY is forced to by public pressure to adopt this idea].
8. Since the PIN will be handwritten on the top left hand corner of a white envelope, it can be easily read by ordinary optical character reader [OCR] so no need for human reading [but do read by humans a percentage of such PIN Letters to ensure LIE KY does not cheat]. Currently, in the post offices, all postal code numbers are read by OCR, even handwritten postal code numbers, so this is easy.
9. Coming back to our constituency election results from para 1, 2, 3, LIE KY needs to fake 3 votes to win. If he cannot simply fake the total votes counted, that is, if the Opposition can get enough Counting Officials to ensure that the counting is indeed, honest, then he has to fake actual physical ballots. With our idea, this will be very difficult. Firstly, it is unlikely the Opposition's [real] winning majority will be just a few votes; more likely several thousands. This means that LIE KY has to fake actual physical votes of several thousands to turn his loss into a win. Since every ballot paper will now need not only a cross against a party symbol and party name, but also a PIN on the back, this fact alone is a big deterrent and creates a difficult climate for cheating. It is one thing, very easy, to fake a cross on a fake ballot paper but very difficult to add a fake PIN on the back. Psychologically, it is a huge deterrent. The criminal faker feels very, very, wrong and criminal. He is totally aware he is committing a real, big, crime.
10. Now we come to how the PIN works. Suppose the voters all understand how important it is to write the PIN and to send his PIN Letter, so the number of voters who did not comply with this is only, say, 5%. That is, 5% of voters did not write their PIN or send their PIN Letter. This immediately means that LIE KY cannot fake more than 5% of the votes. [Each PIN Letter must also be marked for the constituency in which the voter voted. This can be easy by giving a separate letter box address for each constituency]. If a recount or check is required by the Opposition to tally each vote against its corresponding PIN Letter, and since there are only 5% no-PINs, meaning that there are 95% of PIN Letters, so 95% of the votes will be found to have a corresponding, correct, PIN Letter. If LIE KY fakes more than 5%, then the excess over 5% cannot be 'explained' by the excuse of no-PINs while 95% of the ballot papers will be correctly matched to a PIN Letter. LIE KY can ask all his PAP supporters not to write or send the PIN Letter but again, this involves many people in what is an obvious attempt to cheat elections. If LIE KY does this, his status drop to real 0 from his current near 0. Asking your supporters to facilitate your cheating elections not only drops your status to 0, but opens you to future blackmail from disgruntled former supporters.
11. Because nobody can predict how many percent of no-PINs there will be, this uncertainty is a huge deterrent to LIE KY faking ballot papers. He can ask his post office to throw away a big percentage of such PIN Letters but this involves post office officials and workers, thus bad for cheating elections because election cheating must be done with the fewest people in the know. The more people who know, and the less the fear, loyalty and obedience LIE KY can inspire, which is very little nowadays, the more dangerous it is to involve the post office workers.
12. This idea works much like the online banks double safety method of Two Factor Authentication [TFA], which is a good argument for the Opposition to insist on having this system for all future elections. In TFA, when you type in your password, you get through only to the first stage of your online bank account. Almost immediately after you have typed in your password, the bank computer sends an SMS to your cellphone, whose number you have pre-registered with the bank. This SMS contains a random One Time Password or PIN number that you must then key into your online bank page within 10 minutes. Then, if BOTH factors are correct, then and only then, are you able to access your online bank account. This idea, by using 2 different procedures, one in which the Election Dept conducts the voting, and the second, in which the voter HIMSELF, INDIVIDUALLY, sends his PIN Letter to authenticate his vote on the ballot paper, thus ensures the fairness of the elections. The voter, by his own volition and initiative, thus plays the biggest part in ensuring fair elections. It is a way to put power back into the hands of the voter and people, who have for 51 years been intimidated into sullen, angry, obedient subservience. Power to the People!
13. This idea does not need the cooperation of the PAP govt. The Opposition can, preferably in unison, publicise this idea and ask all voters to cooperate. The PIN Letters can be sent to a friendly Embassy in Singapore and according to international laws and practices, all communications such as fax, email, letters, etc, to embassies must not be censored or prevented from arrival. Further, when the Opposition asks the voters to cooperate and they will, an informal pact is made between the Opposition and the voters, a very important outcome of this idea. This pact [wink, wink] is a pact between the Opposition and the people against the PAP govt cheating the elections [wink, wink]. The Opposition has been too afraid to quote my blog or my YouTube video or articles, so this is a good way to hint to the people, many of whom already know my works, that LIE KY, his son 2A1B, and his nephew in law, WKS, have all been cheating all this while and that together, the Opposition and the voters can stop them.
14. If the Opposition and online netizens push for this idea, LIE KY 2A1B WKS etc will find it almost impossible to refuse or even argue against. It is like arguing against the double safety of online bankings' Two Factor Authentication -- you are against it only if you have criminal cheating intentions! Nobody argues against better security! So, once this idea is publicised, even LIE KY will have to implement it. The only argument against it is work, which in this case is so simple -- just sending a letter -- this argument of 'too much work' will not be taken seriously, meaning it will be counterproductive and exposes the anti-idea arguments as having intention to cheat elections.
[To contact me for further discussion, etc]:
Robert HO
28 Bukit Batok Street 52
#20-03 Guilin View
Singapore 659248
Tel: 68989553
CellPhone: 90127417
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]</[email protected]>