If want to cash in on this once in a life time never to be repeated again, price hike on Trump Chritmas wishlist for his voters do now....
auto price hike to match Republican Trump commisions on 30% tariff to his Christmas wish lists...... huat ahhh...
Blame transports cost hike, material costs up, manufacuturing costs up, China tax on companies up up... before 15 Dec 19 deadline...
Chinese manufactures and US Chinese importers can shit on Trump Christmas lists by delay shipments and release shipments late by blackmail Trump deal......
delay shipment will start frenzy feeding sales that make 30% more on Trump Christmas wishlists for his voters....
你拜初一 我拜十五...
Frenzy feeding last minute Christmas sales.... shipment delayed...
....China created heat in SCS with US threats and shipment has to be diversified takes longer time to ship to US.... blame US gunboats blocked and interfered shipments in SCS .... disrupt disrupt deep deep...
auto price hike to match Republican Trump commisions on 30% tariff to his Christmas wish lists...... huat ahhh...
Blame transports cost hike, material costs up, manufacuturing costs up, China tax on companies up up... before 15 Dec 19 deadline...
Chinese manufactures and US Chinese importers can shit on Trump Christmas lists by delay shipments and release shipments late by blackmail Trump deal......
delay shipment will start frenzy feeding sales that make 30% more on Trump Christmas wishlists for his voters....
你拜初一 我拜十五...
Frenzy feeding last minute Christmas sales.... shipment delayed...
....China created heat in SCS with US threats and shipment has to be diversified takes longer time to ship to US.... blame US gunboats blocked and interfered shipments in SCS .... disrupt disrupt deep deep...
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