Overtime work: 260 firms caught for exceeding limits
by Woo Sian Boon 04:45 AM Nov 13, 2012
SINGAPORE - Over the last four years, 260 employers failed to comply with the limits of overtime work stipulated under the Employment Act, revealed Acting Minister for Manpower Tan Chuan-Jin in Parliament yesterday.
Of the number, 21 were prosecuted for serious breaches of the limit of overtime work, while 56 were issued composition fines by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).
Warnings or advisories were issued to the remaining cases as they involved mainly technical breaches, said Mr Tan in response to Chua Chu Kang Member of Parliament (MP) Alex Yam's question on the number of companies which had contravened the law.
Under the Employment Act, employees are not allowed to work for more than 12 hours a day - including overtime - with a limit of 72 hours' overtime in a month. Employers can, however, apply to the Commissioner of Labour for an exemption, but this means that working hours cannot exceed 14 daily. Consent from employees, a good track record for maintaining safety and health standards, and agreement from unions are required before the MOM grants the approval to exempt a company.
Between 2008 and last year, an average of 310 employers applied for exemption annually, of which 270 were approved. When asked how many of the approved applicants had been among those who contravened the Act, Mr Tan replied that the ministry "takes the exemption clauses quite seriously" and reviews the companies yearly to ensure they are fulfilling the stipulated requirements.
He, however, noted that overtime pay forms an integral part of the low-wage worker's wages "in many instances", such as in the security sector. This is being addressed under the current review of the Employment Act.
The Acting Minister, however, ruled out plans to enhance penalties, which were raised by Nee Soon GRC MP Patrick Tay. "What we do want to make sure is to continue to police these terms and conditions in a serious fashion to make sure that our workers are not being exploited in the process," said Mr Tan. Woo Sian Boon