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Outstanding woman dentist went hotel vacation alone after breakup met evil conspiracy killed by hotel owner, bar tender, security and their friends


Very hard to believe book proper hotel also can meet such evil horrible conspiracy by hotel owner ganging up with his husband and staff and friends indeed. Never say never and not possible okay?



Outstanding woman dentist went hotel vacation alone after SAD breakup met evil conspiracy killed by hotel owner, bar tender, security and their friends. Didn’t I say woman’s life very important to have good husband or bf for protection ? Many women are killed when alone and vulnerable after walked out of relationship.​




Outstanding woman dentist went hotel vacation alone after SAD breakup met evil conspiracy killed by hotel owner, bar tender, security and their friends. Didn’t I say woman’s life very important to have good husband or bf for protection ? Many women are killed when alone and vulnerable after walked out of relationship.​

Scumbags like @LaoHongBiscuit etc prey on women that are alone weak vulnerable while they are scared of 有权有势 women with good husband like ho Ching and dare not bully them.



Outstanding woman dentist went hotel vacation alone after SAD breakup met evil conspiracy killed by hotel owner, bar tender, security and their friends. Didn’t I say woman’s life very important to have good husband or bf for protection ? Many women are killed when alone and vulnerable after walked out of relationship.​

Didn’t I say women outstanding 有个屁用when met barbarians out to take advantage out to bully out to kill ?


Scumbags like @LaoHongBiscuit etc prey on women that are alone weak vulnerable while they are scared of 有权有势 women with good husband like ho Ching and dare not bully them.
@eatshitndie this outstanding woman dentist is stunning but after watching many true crime stories, my conclusion is no need to be stunning to be gangraped by predator animals. The single critical factor is alone weak vulnerable women, that’s when 欺善怕恶scumbags like @LaoHongBiscuit will pounce on their prey while they scared of 有权有势 women with good husband and will never dare to open their dog mouth or lift a finger on such women.


You got a outstanding nipples.
Long and dark and a outstanding double beef burger
Making false accusations do defamation crimes to Gansiokbin and not get hanged is not right and not your Cantonese dog son of prostitute entitlement you Cantonese SELF ADMITTED CBT THIEF