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Outstanding 16 year old girl that followed divorced mother and her new husband to move to ulu place in USA was kidnapped at bus stop and vanished


Another unfortunate female that met barbarians and life is finished no matter how outstanding academically and in ECA.
Life is very fragile and women are so powerless in life indeed. All depend on how suay you are. The victim has a sister that followed the father after the parents divorced and stayed safe and sound.


No mentioned of itchy which I was right all the while, your cunt is real very very itchy now.


Life is very fragile and women are so powerless in life indeed. All depend on how suay you are. The victim has a sister that followed the father after the parents divorced and stayed safe and sound.
Have good parents good fortune good husband are extremely important to women and all are uncontrollable.


And as usual the barbarian criminal rapist murderer bully has ZERO REMORSE ZERO REPENTANCE
No teeth how to brush?
I support this thread.
Cantonese dog SELF ADMITTED SON OF DIRTY SLUT do defamation crime to Gansiokbin can twist to call it support. No remorse no repentance animal with no human conscience no morals no integrity no kindness criminal no wonder no tycoon no philanthropy


If got human conscience got remorse got repentance they won’t behave like animals in the first place just see @sbfuncle @NanoSpeed @LaoHongBiscuit @GUDANGARAM etc obvious same trait
Proof right here in this thread and every thread where these animals open their evil filthy mouth

I support this thread.
Cantonese dog SELF ADMITTED SON OF DIRTY SLUT do defamation crime to Gansiokbin can twist to call it support. No remorse no repentance animal with no human conscience no morals no integrity no kindness criminal no wonder no tycoon no philanthropy