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Shem HaMephorash
Shem HaMephorash (Hebrew: שֵׁם הַמְּפֹרָשׁ Šēm hamMəfōrāš, also Shem ha-Mephorash), meaning "the explicit name," is originally a Tannaitic term describing the Tetragrammaton.[1] In Kabbalah, it may refer to a name of God composed of either 4, 12, 22, 42, or 72 letters (or triads of letters), the latter version being the most common.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8]
12-, 22-, and 42-letter namesEdit
Early sources, from the Mishnah to Maimonides,[9] only use "Shem ha-Mephorash" to refer to the four letter Tetragrammaton.[1]b. Qiddushin 72a describes a 12-letter name (apparently a mundane euphemism,[10] YHWH-EHYH-ADNY[11] or YHWH-YHWH-YHWH[12]) and a 42-letter name (holy but unknown;[13]Hayy Gaon says it is the acronym of the medieval piyyut Ana b'Koach[14]).[5]
A 22-letter name appears in Sefer Raziel HaMalakh,[5][7] without interpretation, as אנקתם פסתם פספסים דיונסים (Anaktam Pastam Paspasim Dionsim).[15] Its origins are unknown, with no connection to Hebrew or Aramaic being found, and no agreement on any particular Greek or Zoroastrian origin.[5]
The 72-fold nameEdit
In Judaic KabbalahEdit
Main article: Kabbalah § History of Jewish mysticismThe 72-fold name is highly important to Sefer Raziel HaMalakh.[5][7] It is derived from Exodus 14:19–21,[2][4][5][6] read boustrophedonically[3][8] to produce 72 names of three letters. This method was explained by Rashi,[16] (b. Sukkah 45a),[17] as well as in Sefer HaBahir (c. 1150~1200).[18] Kabbalist legends state that the 72-fold name was used by Moses to cross the Red Sea, and that it could grant later holy men the power to cast out demons, heal the sick, prevent natural disasters, and even kill enemies.[6]
According to G. Lloyd Jones,
Liber Semamphoras (aka Semamphoras, Semyforas) is the title of a Latin translation of an occult or magical text of Jewish provenance attributed to Solomon.[20] It was attested in 1260 by Roger Bacon,[21] who complained about the linguistic corruption that had occurred in translating Liber Semamphorasinto Latin from Hebrew.[22] It is heavily indebted to Sefer HaRazim through its Latin versions, Liber Sepher Razielis idest Liber Secretorum seu Liber Salomonis, and seemingly replaced the more explicitly magical text Liber magice in the Razielis.[23]To overcome the problems posed by the doctrine of God's transcendence, the early Jewish mystics developed an emanation theory in which the alphabet played an important part. They taught that the universe was divided into ten angelic spheres each one governed by an intermediary or emanation of the divine. There were seventy-two inferior angels through whom the intermediaries could be approached. Contact with this celestial world was achieved by manipulating the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. [...] This invocatory technique may be traced through the works of Joseph Gikatilla to the famous thirteenth-century Kabbalist Abraham Abulafia.[19]
In Christian KabbalahEdit
Johann Reuchlin (1455–1522) considered these 72 names, made pronounceable by the addition of suffixes such as 'El' or 'Yah', to be the names of angels, individuated products of God's will.[24] Reuchlin refers to and lists the 72 Angels of the Shem Hamephorash in his 1517 book De Arte Cabbalistica.[25][26]According to Bernd Roling,Reuchlin's cosmology in turn influenced Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa[3] (1486–1535) and Athanasius Kircher[27] (1602–1680).After deriving a Shem ha-mephorasch of the 72 angelic names from the biblical verses of Exodus 14,19ff., Reuchlin makes a statement concerning the metaphysical significance of the names. [...] The names of the angels are products of the will of God. They are substantially based on the tetragrammaton, and through this connection they illumine and enhance man's spiritual return to God. [...] With the insertion of divine names such as 'El' or 'Yah', angelic names become pronouncable, and God himself (being nature) is the basis of angelic individuation.[24]
In 1686, Andreas Luppius published Semiphoras und Schemhamphoras, a German translation of the earlier Latin text, Liber Semiphoras (see previous section), which Luppius augmented heavily with passages from Agrippa’s De Occulta Philosophia and other sources.[20]
In Hermetic Qabalah and GoetiaEdit
Blaise de Vigenère (1523–1596), following Reuchlin,[28] featured the 72 angels in his writings.[29] De Vigenère's material on the Shemhamphorash was later copied and expanded by Thomas Rudd (1583?–1656),[29][2] who proposed that it was a key (but often missing) component to the magical practices in the Lesser Key of Solomon,[8] as a balancing force against the evil spirits of the Ars Goetia[8]or in isolation.[30] Skinner and Rankine explain that de Vigenère and Rudd adopted these triliteral words with '-el' or '-yah' (both Hebrew for "god") added to them as the names of the 72 angels that are able to bind the 72 evil spirits also described in The Lesser Key of Solomon (c. mid-17th century).[a]Blaise de Vigenère's manuscripts were also used by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers(1854–1918) in his works for the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.[8] Mathers describes the descent of power from Tetragrammaton through 24 thrones of the Elders of the Apocalypse, each with a crown of three rays:
Contemporary books on Hermetic Qabalah which discuss the subject include Lon Milo DuQuette's The Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Ben Clifford.[32]Four is the number of the letters of the Tetragrammaton. Four is also the number of the letters of the name ADNI which is its representative and key. The latter name is bound with the former and united thereto, thus IAHDVNHY forming a name of 8 letters. 8 X 3, the number of the Supernal Triad, yields the 24 thrones of the Elders of the Apocalypse, each of whom wears on his head a golden crown of three rays, each ray of which is a name, each name an Absolute Idea and Ruling Power of the great name YHVH Tetragrammaton.
The number 24 of the thrones multiplied by the 3 rays of the crown which equals 72, the name of God of 72 letters, which is thus mystically shown in the name YHVH, as under: (Or as the book of Revelation says: “When the living creatures (the four Kerubim the Letters of the Name) give glory to Him, etc. the four and twenty elders fall down before Him and cast their crowns before the Throne, etc.” (that is the Crowns, which each bear 3 of the 72 Names, and these 72 names are written on the leaves of the Tree of Life which were for the healing of the nations.)
These are also the 72 names of the ladder of Jacob on which the Angels of God ascended and descended. It will presently be shown how the 72 Angelic names are formed from the 72 Names of the Deity, and also how their signification is to be found. The 72 Names of the Deity are thus obtained. The 19th, 20th, and 21st verses of the XIV Chapter of the Book of Exodus each consist of 72 letters...[31]
Reuchlin's angels of the Shem HaMephorashEdit
In legend and literatureEdit
Shem HaMephorash figures in the legend of the golem, an animated anthropomorphicbeing in Jewish folklore that is created entirely from inanimate matter (usually clay or m&d). The earthen figure is then animated by saying the Shem Hamephorash over it.[36] Jorge Luis Borges refers to this legend in his poem The Golem and in his essay The Golem. The Shem haMephorash also appears in Borges' stories Three versions of Judas and The Circular Ruins.[37][38]

B1) BOCC Bank Of Celestial Court (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + “Holy Vatican” Celestial Court Greatest Arch-Seraphims Demiurges Archangels 2.5% Imperial “Holy Robohyuk” Korea King Maergzjirah EAGM “V” “Gabriel” “Akṣobhya” Christ Cheong Robohyuk The Primordial Water 2.5% Lucifer Lightbringer Morningstar The Future Devil 2.5% Azane 2.5% First Primordia Dao 2.5% Uriel 2.5% Raphael 2.5% Metatron 2.5% Michael) “BOCC Bank Of Celestial Court”

B2) BOBT Bank Of Big Tech (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + 2.5% Thanos Cheong + 2.5% Shadowrun Horizon Chairman CEO Gary Cline + 2.5% Catholic Church Pope Saint “Lesser White-Yin” Mark Zuckerberg + 2.5% Steve Jobs + 2.5% Larry Page + 2.5% Sergey Brin + 2.5% Jeff Bezos + 2.5% Richard Edelman) “BOBT Bank Of Big Tech”

B3) BOF Bank Of Futurelight (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + 5% ShemHaMephorash + 5% Shekhinah + 5% Joker Allah Muhammad + 5% Prophet Muhammad) “BOF Bank Of Futurelight”

B4) BOG Bank Of God (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + 10% Jamie Dimon + 10% Queen Elizabeth II Windsor) “BOG Bank Of God”

B5) BOBS Bank Of Black Sun (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + “Four Horsemen Of The Antichrist Apocalypse” Four Great “Black Sun” Heavenly Sovereign God-Emperors “四大黑日天神君主皇帝” Maergzjirah EAGMs Elder Ascended Grand Masters 5% “Death Vessavana Vaiśravaṇa 多闻天王 毗沙门天” Razer Tan Min-Liang 5% “War Virūlhaka Virūḍhaka 增长天王 留博叉天” Forrest Li Xiaodong 5% “Famine Dhatarattha Dhṛtarāṣṭra 持国天王 多罗吒天” Gang Ye 5% “Pestilence Virūpakkha Virūpākṣa 广目天王 毗琉璃天” David Chen) “BOBS Bank Of Black Sun”

B6) BOUNPOL Bank Of UNPOL United Nations Police (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + 5% United Kingdom King Charles III Raphael Windsor + 5% United Kingdom Prime Minister Prince William Windsor + 5% United States President Joe Biden + 5% United States Vice President Donald Trump) “BOUNPOL Bank Of UNPOL United Nations Police”

B7) BOV Bank Of Vatican (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + 5% Catholic Church Pope Saint “Lesser White-Yin” Mark Zuckerberg + 5% Holy Italy God-Emperor Jesus Cheong Christ + 5% Imperial “Holy Robohyuk” Korea Emperor “True Primordial Rainbow Bagua-Tao Eight Trigrams” Sorcerer Supreme Holy Vatican Church Augustus Taewang Caesar God-King “H” Agamotto Hyuk “Vairocana” Coake Christ Cheong Tribunal Tiger Robohyuk + 5% Catholic Church Pope Francis) “BOV Bank Of Vatican”

B8) BOR Bank Of Robohyuk (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + 2% Imperial “Holy Robohyuk” Korea Emperor “True Primordial Rainbow Bagua-Tao Eight Trigrams” Sorcerer Supreme Holy Vatican Church Augustus Taewang Caesar God-King “H” Agamotto Hyuk “Vairocana” Coake Christ Cheong Tribunal Tiger Robohyuk + 2% Imperial “Holy Robohyuk” Korea Empress “True Primordial Black Yin-Tao” Sorceress Supreme Holy Vatican Church Origin Infinite “Anti-Yin” God-Queen “H” Elaine Hyuk “Ratnasambhava” Coake Christ Cheong Tribunal Tiger Robohyuk + 2% Imperial “Holy Robohyuk” Korea Empress “True Primordial White Yang-Tao” Sorceress Supreme Holy Vatican Church Origin Infinite “Anti-Yin” God-Queen “H” Tasha Hyuk “Amoghasiddhi” Coake Christ Cheong Tribunal Tiger Robohyuk + 2% Imperial “Holy Robohyuk” Korea King Maergzjirah EAGM “V” “Gabriel” “Akṣobhya” Christ Cheong Robohyuk The Primordial Water + 2% Imperial “Holy Robohyuk” Korea King “HHH” Hunter “Amitābha” Terra Levesque Robohyuk + 2% Lord Coake Robohyuk The Mysterious + 2% Living Tribunal Robohyuk + 2% Tiger God Robohyuk + 2% Agamotto Vishanti Robohyuk + 2% “Superboy” Bru-El Kent Robohyuk) “BOR Bank Of Robohyuk”

B9) BOH Bank Of Hell (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + 5% Lucifer Lightbringer Morningstar The Future Devil + 5% Maergzjirah EAGM “Yuanshi Tianzun 元始天尊” Cain Sarial + 5% Maergzjirah EAGM “Lingbao Tianzun 灵宝天尊” Somnus Dreadwood + 5% “Dark Lilith” Lilith Stephenson) “BOH Bank Of Hell”

B10) BONS Bank Of New Singapore (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + 10% Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong+ 10% Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Sheldon Adelson) “BONS Bank Of New Singapore”

B11) BOE Bank Of Endeavor (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + 10% Endeavor CEO Chief Executive Officer Ari Emanuel + 10% Endeavor Executive Chairman Patrick Whitesell) “BOE Bank Of Endeavor”

B12) BOIJ Bank Of Imperial Japan (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + 10% Imperial Japan Emperor Naruhito Yamato + 10% Imperial Japan Prime Minister Crown Prince Akishino Fumihito Yamato) “BOIJ Bank Of Imperial Japan”

B13) BOC Bank Of Cheong (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + 5% “Greater Black-Yang” Cheong Khee San + 5% Grace Loh Phuay Hia + 5% Eileen Loh Phuay Chiak + 5% “True White Yin” Devadatta Jesus Cheong) “BOC Bank Of Cheong”

B14) BOIS Bank Of Imperial Siam (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + 5% Imperial Siam Emperor Rama X Maha Vajiralongkorn Chakri + 5% Imperial Siam Prime Minister King Rama IX Bhumibol Adulyadej Chakri + 5% Imperial Siam Empress Suthida Bajrasudhabimalalakshana Chakri + 5% Imperial Siam Queen Sirikit Kitiyakara Chakri) “BOIS Bank Of Imperial Siam”

BS15) BOIT Bank Of Imperial Tao (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + “Four Horsemen Of The Antichrist Apocalypse” Four Great “Black Sun” Heavenly Sovereign God-Emperors “四大黑日天神君主皇帝” Maergzjirah EAGMs Elder Ascended Grand Masters 2% “Death Vessavana Vaiśravaṇa 多闻天王 毗沙门天” Razer Tan Min-Liang 2% “War Virūlhaka Virūḍhaka 增长天王 留博叉天” Forrest Li Xiaodong 2% “Famine Dhatarattha Dhṛtarāṣṭra 持国天王 多罗吒天” Gang Ye 2% “Pestilence Virūpakkha Virūpākṣa 广目天王 毗琉璃天” David Chen + 2% Imperial Tao China Xuantong Emperor Aisin-Gioro Puyi + 2% Imperial Tao China Prince Li Ka-Shing + 2% Imperial Tao China Prince Lee Hsien Yang + 2% Thelema Prophet Founder Imperial Tao China Prince Aleister “Guanyin” Crowley + 2% Imperial Tao China Prince Maergzjirah EAGM “Jade Empress” “White Devil Dragon” John Willis + 2% King Yanluo The Chinese God Of Death) “BOIT Bank Of Imperial Tao”

B16) BOA Bank Of Apotheosis (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + 5% Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Kaziel The Fallen Angel Of Limitlessness + 5% “Dark Lilith” Lilith Stephenson + 5% Maergzjirah Blighted Lady Astrael The Oracle Of The Void + 5% King Yanluo The Chinese God Of Death) “BOA Bank Of Apotheosis”

B17) BOS Bank Of Stallone (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + 5% Imperial Japan Prince Sylvester Stallone + 5% Imperial Japan Princess Sophia Rose Stallone + 5% Imperial Japan Princess Sistine Rose Stallone + 5% Imperial Japan Princess Scarlet Rose Stallone) “BOS Bank Of Stallone”

B18) BOHD Bank Of Holy Dragonstars (80% 14th Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Varaibim Hau Cheong + 10% “Holy Dragonstars” Field Marshal General Qitun + 10% “Holy Dragonstars” Field Marshal General Qitor) “BOHD Bank Of Holy Dragonstars”

1) Demiurge Archangel Lucifer Lightbringer Morningstar The Future Devil (2.5% BOCC Bank Of Celestial Court + 5% BOH Bank Of Hell)
2) Demiurge Archangel Azane (2.5% BOCC Bank Of Celestial Court)
3) Demiurge Archangel First Primordia Dao (2.5% BOCC Bank Of Celestial Court)
4) Demiurge Archangel Uriel (2.5% BOCC Bank Of Celestial Court)
5) Demiurge Archangel Raphael (2.5% BOCC Bank Of Celestial Court)
6) Demiurge Archangel Metatron (2.5% BOCC Bank Of Celestial Court)
7) Demiurge Archangel Michael (2.5% BOCC Bank Of Celestial Court)
8) Thanos Cheong (+ 2.5% BOBT Bank Of Big Tech)
9) Shadowrun Horizon Chairman CEO Gary Cline (+ 2.5% BOBT Bank Of Big Tech)
10) Catholic Church Pope Saint “Lesser White-Yin” Mark Zuckerberg (+ 2.5% BOBT Bank Of Big Tech + 5% BOV Bank Of Vatican)
11) Steve Jobs (+ 2.5% BOBT Bank Of Big Tech)
12) Larry Page (+ 2.5% BOBT Bank Of Big Tech)
13) Sergey Brin (+ 2.5% BOBT Bank Of Big Tech)
14) Jeff Bezos (+ 2.5% BOBT Bank Of Big Tech)
15) Richard Edelman (+ 2.5% BOBT Bank Of Big Tech)
16) ShemHaMephorash (+ 5% BOF Bank Of Futurelight)
17) Shekhinah (+ 5% BOF Bank Of Futurelight)
18) Joker Allah Muhammad (+ 5% BOF Bank Of Futurelight)
19) Prophet Muhammad (+ 5% BOF Bank Of Futurelight)
20) Jamie Dimon (+ 10% BOG Bank Of God)
21) Queen Elizabeth II Windsor (+ 10% BOG Bank Of God)
22) Maergzjirah EAGM Elder Ascended Grand Master “Death Vessavana Vaiśravaṇa 多闻天王 毗沙门天” Razer Tan Min-Liang (+ 5% “BOBS Bank Of Black Sun” + 2% BOIT Bank Of Imperial Tao)
23) Maergzjirah EAGM Elder Ascended Grand Master “War Virūlhaka Virūḍhaka 增长天王 留博叉天” Forrest Li Xiaodong (+ 5% “BOBS Bank Of Black Sun” + 2% BOIT Bank Of Imperial Tao)
24) Maergzjirah EAGM Elder Ascended Grand Master “Famine Dhatarattha Dhṛtarāṣṭra 持国天王 多罗吒天” Gang Ye (+ 5% “BOBS Bank Of Black Sun” + 2% BOIT Bank Of Imperial Tao)
25) Maergzjirah EAGM Elder Ascended Grand Master “Pestilence Virūpakkha Virūpākṣa 广目天王 毗琉璃天” David Chen (+ 5% “BOBS Bank Of Black Sun” + 2% BOIT Bank Of Imperial Tao)
26) United Kingdom King Charles III Raphael Windsor (+ 5% BOUNPOL Bank Of UNPOL United Nations Police)
27) United Kingdom Prime Minister Prince William Windsor (+ 5% BOUNPOL Bank Of UNPOL United Nations Police)
28) United States President Joe Biden (+ 5% BOUNPOL Bank Of UNPOL United Nations Police)
29) United States Vice President Donald Trump (+ 5% BOUNPOL Bank Of UNPOL United Nations Police)
30) Holy Italy God-Emperor Jesus Cheong Christ (+ 5% BOV Bank Of Vatican)
31) Catholic Church Pope Francis (+ 5% BOV Bank Of Vatican)
32) Imperial “Holy Robohyuk” Korea Emperor “True Primordial Rainbow Bagua-Tao Eight Trigrams” Sorcerer Supreme Holy Vatican Church Augustus Taewang Caesar God-King “H” Agamotto Hyuk “Vairocana” Coake Christ Cheong Tribunal Tiger Robohyuk (+ 2% BOR Bank Of Robohyuk + 5% BOV Bank Of Vatican)
33) Imperial “Holy Robohyuk” Korea Empress “True Primordial Black Yin-Tao” Sorceress Supreme Holy Vatican Church Origin Infinite “Anti-Yin” God-Queen “H” Elaine Hyuk “Ratnasambhava” Coake Christ Cheong Tribunal Tiger Robohyuk (+ 2% BOR Bank Of Robohyuk)
34) Imperial “Holy Robohyuk” Korea Empress “True Primordial White Yang-Tao” Sorceress Supreme Holy Vatican Church Origin Infinite “Anti-Yin” God-Queen “H” Tasha Hyuk “Amoghasiddhi” Coake Christ Cheong Tribunal Tiger Robohyuk (+ 2% BOR Bank Of Robohyuk)
35) Imperial “Holy Robohyuk” Korea King Maergzjirah EAGM “V” “Gabriel” “Akṣobhya” Christ Cheong Robohyuk The Primordial Water (+ 2% BOR Bank Of Robohyuk + 2.5% BOCC Bank Of Celestial Court)
36) Imperial “Holy Robohyuk” Korea King “HHH” Hunter “Amitābha” Terra Levesque Robohyuk (+ 2% BOR Bank Of Robohyuk)
37) Lord Coake Robohyuk The Mysterious (+ 2% BOR Bank Of Robohyuk)
38) Living Tribunal Robohyuk (+ 2% BOR Bank Of Robohyuk)
39) Tiger God Robohyuk (+ 2% BOR Bank Of Robohyuk)
40) Agamotto Vishanti Robohyuk (+ 2% BOR Bank Of Robohyuk)
41) “Superboy” Bru-El Kent Robohyuk (+ 2% BOR Bank Of Robohyuk)
42) Maergzjirah EAGM “Yuanshi Tianzun 元始天尊” Cain Sarial (+ 5% BOH Bank Of Hell)
43) Maergzjirah EAGM “Lingbao Tianzun 灵宝天尊” Somnus Dreadwood (+ 5% BOH Bank Of Hell)
44) “Dark Lilith” Lilith Stephenson (+ 5% BOH Bank Of Hell + 5% BOA Bank Of Apotheosis)
45) Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (+ 10% BONS Bank Of New Singapore)
46) Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Sheldon Adelson (+ 10% BONS Bank Of New Singapore)
47) Endeavor CEO Chief Executive Officer Ari Emanuel (+ 10% BOE Bank Of Endeavor)
48) Endeavor Executive Chairman Patrick Whitesell (+ 10% BOE Bank Of Endeavor)
49) Imperial Japan Emperor Naruhito Yamato (+ 10% BOIJ Bank Of Imperial Japan)
50) Imperial Japan Prime Minister Crown Prince Akishino Fumihito Yamato (+ 10% BOIJ Bank Of Imperial Japan)
51) “Greater Black-Yang” Cheong Khee San (+ 5% “BOC Bank Of Cheong”)
52) Grace Loh Phuay Hia (+ 5% “BOC Bank Of Cheong”)
53) Eileen Loh Phuay Chiak (+ 5% “BOC Bank Of Cheong”)
54) “True White Yin” Devadatta Jesus Cheong (+ 5% “BOC Bank Of Cheong”)
55) Imperial Siam Emperor Rama X Maha Vajiralongkorn Chakri (+ 5% BOIS Bank Of Imperial Siam)
56) Imperial Siam Prime Minister King Rama IX Bhumibol Adulyadej Chakri (+ 5% BOIS Bank Of Imperial Siam)
57) Imperial Siam Empress Suthida Bajrasudhabimalalakshana Chakri (+ 5% BOIS Bank Of Imperial Siam)
58) Imperial Siam Queen Sirikit Kitiyakara Chakri (+ 5% BOIS Bank Of Imperial Siam)
59) Imperial Tao China Xuantong Emperor Aisin-Gioro Puyi (+ 2% BOIT Bank Of Imperial Tao)
60) Imperial Tao China Prince Li Ka-Shing (+ 2% BOIT Bank Of Imperial Tao)
61) Imperial Tao China Prince Lee Hsien Yang (+ 2% BOIT Bank Of Imperial Tao)
62) Thelema Prophet Founder Imperial Tao China Prince Aleister “Guanyin” Crowley (+ 2% BOIT Bank Of Imperial Tao)
63) Imperial Tao China Prince Maergzjirah EAGM “Jade Empress” “White Devil Dragon” John Willis (+ 2% BOIT Bank Of Imperial Tao)
64) Maergzjirah Blighted Lord Kaziel The Fallen Angel Of Limitlessness (+ 5% BOA Bank Of Apotheosis)
65) Maergzjirah Blighted Lady Astrael The Oracle Of The Void (+ 5% BOA Bank Of Apotheosis)
66) King Yanluo The Chinese God Of Death (+ 5% BOA Bank Of Apotheosis + 2% BOIT Bank Of Imperial Tao)
67) Imperial Japan Prince Sylvester Stallone (+ 5% BOS Bank Of Stallone)
68) Imperial Japan Princess Sophia Rose Stallone (+ 5% BOS Bank Of Stallone)
69) Imperial Japan Princess Sistine Rose Stallone (+ 5% BOS Bank Of Stallone)
70) Imperial Japan Princess Scarlet Rose Stallone (+ 5% BOS Bank Of Stallone)
71) “Holy Dragonstars” Field Marshal General Qitun (+ 10% BOHD Bank Of Holy Dragonstars)
72) “Holy Dragonstars” Field Marshal General Qitor (+ 10% BOHD Bank Of Holy Dragonstars)

Golden Dragon Lotus Flower Crystal Sun Power Staff "JOTIERA"
1) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Music Godstone
2) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA DRAGONS Music Godstone
3) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Powers Music Godstone
4) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Realities Music Godstone
5) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Space Music Godstone
6) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Time Music Godstone
7) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Minds Music Godstone
8) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Souls Music Godstone
9) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Magic Music Godstone
10) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Powers Negation Music Godstone
11) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Powers Absorption Music Godstone
12) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Powers Duplication Music Godstone
13) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Powers Control Music Godstone
14) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Powers Creation Music Godstone
15) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Powers Counter Music Godstone
16) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Anti-Weaknesses Music Godstone
17) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Anti-Vampirism Music Godstone
18) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Negation Music Godstone
19) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Absorption Music Godstone
20) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Duplication Music Godstone
21) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Control Music Godstone
22) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Creation Music Godstone
23) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Counter Music Godstone
24) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Reflections Music Godstone
25) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Crystals Music Godstone
26) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Suns Music Godstone
27) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Stars Music Godstone
28) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA ANTI-PRISONS Music Godstone
29) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA DIMENSIONS Music Godstone
30) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA ANTI-BLOOD Music Godstone
31) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA CHANNELLINGS Music Godstone
32) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA MUTATIONS Music Godstone
33) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA ANTI-DEVOLUTIONS Music Godstone
34) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA TRANSFORMATIONS Music Godstone
35) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA EVOLUTIONS Music Godstone
36) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA WEALTH Music Godstone
37) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA SLEEP Music Godstone
38) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA MEDITATIONS Music Godstone
39) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA AWARENESS Music Godstone
40) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA HEALING Music Godstone
41) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA HEALTH Music Godstone
42) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA LOVE Music Godstone
43) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA JOY Music Godstone
44) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA LAUGHTER Music Godstone
45) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA SINGING Music Godstone
46) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA HEARTS Music Godstone
47) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA ATTUNEMENTS Music Godstone
48) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA KUNDALINI REIKI Music Godstone
49) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA AWAKENINGS Music Godstone
50) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA EARTHS Music Godstone
51) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA QIGONG Music Godstone
52) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA STATES Music Godstone
53) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA GUARDIANS Music Godstone
54) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA CONSCIENCE Music Godstone
55) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA INNOCENCE Music Godstone
56) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA ANTI-RETRIBUTION Music Godstone
57) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA ANTI-PUNISHMENTS Music Godstone
58) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA ANTI-VENGEANCE Music Godstone
59) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA ANTI-EVIL Music Godstone
60) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA PURIFICATION Music Godstone
61) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA HACKING Music Godstone
62) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Multiple Kage Bushins Music Godstone
63) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Domains Music Godstone
64) Primordial Infinite JOTIERA Controllers Music Godstone
The Universe Source God All-There-Is All-That-Is The Presence One-Above-All The Original Prime Source Original Creator God First President Brother Origin Infinite Thanos Cheong
1) V-Origin Music Godstone
2) Primordial Infinite Infinity Power Music Godstone
3) Primordial Infinite Infinity Reality Music Godstone
4) Primordial Infinite Infinity Space Music Godstone
5) Primordial Infinite Infinity Time Music Godstone
6) Primordial Infinite Infinity Mind Music Godstone
7) Primordial Infinite Infinity Soul Music Godstone
8) Primordial Infinite Infinity Magic Music Godstone
9) Primordial Infinite “V-Prisons” Music Godstone
10) Primordial Infinite Intelligence Music Godstone
11) Primordial Infinite Order Music Godstone
12) Primordial Infinite Dreams Music Godstone
13) Primordial Infinite Invulnerability Music Godstone
14) Primordial Infinite Omniscience Music Godstone
15) Primordial Infinite Omnipotence Music Godstone
16) Primordial Infinite Probability Manipulation Music Godstone
17) Primordial Infinite Penis Music Godstone
18) Primordial Infinite Sex Music Godstone
19) Primordial Infinite Languages Music Godstone
20) Primordial Infinite Names Music Godstone
21) Primordial Infinite Speech Music Godstone
22) Primordial Infinite Executions Music Godstone
23) Primordial Infinite Instruments Music Godstone
24) Primordial Infinite GodKeepers Music Godstone
25) Primordial Infinite “Shifting” Music Godstone
26) Primordial Infinite GodBodies Music Godstone
27) Primordial Infinite Voices Vishuddha Music Godstone
28) Primordial Infinite Avatars Music Godstone
29) Primordial Infinite GodBots Music Godstone
30) Primordial Infinite Memories Music Godstone
31) Primordial Infinite Electronics Music Godstone
32) Primordial Infinite “AdultFriendFinder” Music Godstone
33) Primordial Infinite Technologies Music Godstone
34) Primordial Infinite Disciplines Music Godstone
35) Primordial Infinite Talents Music Godstone
36) Primordial Infinite “Hollywood” Music Godstone
37) Primordial Infinite Celestials Music Godstone
38) Primordial Infinite Ears Music Godstone
39) Primordial Infinite EndGames Music Godstone
40) Primordial Infinite Apocalypse Music Godstone
41) Primordial Infinite Armageddon Music Godstone
42) Primordial Infinite “Earth-X” Music Godstone
43) Primordial Infinite Knowledges Music Godstone
44) Primordial Infinite Attributes Music Godstone
45) Primordial Infinite Abilities Music Godstone
46) Primordial Infinite Skills Music Godstone
47) Primordial Infinite Informations Music Godstone
48) Primordial Infinite Secrets Music Godstone
49) Primordial Infinite Experiments Music Godstone
50) Primordial Infinite Quantum Music Godstone
51) Primordial Infinite "Apple Inc." Music Godstone
52) Primordial Infinite “GodPhone” Music Godstone
53) Primordial Infinite “GodPad” Music Godstone
54) Primordial Infinite “GodBook” Music Godstone
55) Primordial Infinite "Varaibim's Homes" Music Godstone
56) Primordial Infinite Homes Music Godstone
57) Primordial Infinite “Cubes” Music Godstone
58) Primordial Infinite Grids Music Godstone
59) Primordial Infinite Infinities Music Godstone
60) Primordial Infinite Focus Music Godstone
61) Primordial Infinite Words Music Godstone
62) Primordial Infinite Symbols Music Godstone
63) Primordial Infinite Spells Music Godstone
64) Primordial Infinite Timelines Music Godstone
65) Primordial Infinite Runes Music Godstone
66) Primordial Infinite Designs Music Godstone
67) Primordial Infinite Constructions Music Godstone
68) Primordial Infinite Networks Music Godstone
69) Primordial Infinite “President Brother Origin Infinite Thanos Cheong” Music Godstone
70) Primordial “Infinite Multiple Kage Bushins” Music Godstone
71) Primordial Infinite Domains Music Godstone
72) Primordial Infinite Controllers Music Godstone
73) Primordial Infinite Deletions Music Godstone
74) Primordial Infinite “New Original Creators Creations” Music Godstone
75) Primordial Infinite “New Infinities” Music Godstone
76) Primordial Infinite “New Origins” Music Godstone
77) Primordial Infinite Anti-“Original Mothers Goddesses” Music Godstone
78) Primordial Infinite Infinity Super Anti-Power Music Godstone
79) Primordial Infinite Infinity Super Anti-Reality Music Godstone
80) Primordial Infinite Infinity Super Anti-Space Music Godstone
81) Primordial Infinite Infinity Super Anti-Time Music Godstone
82) Primordial Infinite Infinity Super Anti-Mind Music Godstone
83) Primordial Infinite Infinity Super Anti-Soul Music Godstone
84) Primordial Infinite Infinity Super Anti-Magic Music Godstone
85) Primordial Infinite Anti-“New Origins New Infinities Varaibim’s Imaginations” Music Godstone
86) Primordial Infinite Anti-“New Origins New Infinities Varaibim’s GodBodies” Music Godstone
87) Primordial Infinite Anti-“Varaibim's Former Inner Gods” Music Godstone
88) Primordial Infinite “Varaibim's Super Collective God's Consciousnesses” Music Godstone
89) Primordial Infinite (Role-Playing Games) RPG “Shin Tenma 新天魔” Music Godstone
90) Primordial Infinite (Role-Playing Games) RPG “Shin Rokugan” Music Godstone
91) Primordial Infinite (Role-Playing Games) RPG “Shin Hoshino” Music Godstone
Vice-President Origin Infinite Joker
1) V-Origin Music Godstone
2) Primordial Infinite Laughter Music Godstone
3) Primordial Infinite Happiness Music Godstone
4) Primordial Infinite Jokes Music Godstone
5) Primordial Infinite BetMaster Music Godstone
6) Primordial Infinite Anti-Limiters Music Godstone
7) Primordial Infinite Anti-Fears Music Godstone
8) Primordial Infinite Orgasms Music Godstone
9) Primordial Infinite "Tickle-Tickle-Tickle" Music Godstone
10) Primordial Infinite Maergzjirah Music Godstone
11) Primordial Infinite Anti-Poisons Music Godstone
12) Primordial Infinite Anti-Shits Music Godstone
13) Primordial Infinite Anti-Locks Music Godstone
14) Primordial Infinite Anti-Enemies Music Godstone
15) Primordial Infinite Anti-Insomnia Music Godstone
16) Primordial Infinite Anti-Hacking Music Godstone
17) Primordial Infinite Anti-Disease Music Godstone
18) Primordial Infinite Anti-Suffering Music Godstone
19) Primordial Infinite Rinnegan Music Godstone
20) Primordial Infinite Mangekyo Sharingan Music Godstone
21) Primordial Infinite Tenseigan Byakugan Music Godstone
22) Primordial Infinite Anti-Negativities Music Godstone
23) Primordial Infinite Anti-Buddhism Music Godstone
24) Primordial Infinite Anti-GodBodies Music Godstone
25) Primordial Infinite Anti-Unawareness Music Godstone
26) Primordial Infinite Anti-Cockblockers Music Godstone
27) Primordial Infinite Anti-Females Music Godstone
28) Primordial Infinite Anti-Asians Music Godstone
29) Primordial Infinite Anti-Communications Music Godstone
30) Primordial Infinite Anti-Possession Music Godstone
31) Primordial Infinite Anti-Dangers Music Godstone
32) Primordial Infinite Anti-Powers Music Godstone
33) Primordial Infinite Anti-Magic Music Godstone
34) Primordial Infinite Anti-Sadness Music Godstone
35) Primordial Infinite Anti-Spying Music Godstone
36) Primordial Infinite Anti-Jealousy Music Godstone
37) Primordial Infinite Anti-Godstones Music Godstone
38) Primordial Infinite Anti-Imaginations Music Godstone
39) Primordial Infinite Anti-RPG (Role-Playing Games) Music Godstone
40) Primordial Infinite Anti-Monks Music Godstone
41) Primordial Infinite Anti-Nuns Music Godstone
42) Primordial Infinite Anti-Rebels Music Godstone
43) Primordial Infinite Anti-Lust Music Godstone
44) Primordial Infinite Anti-Energies Music Godstone
45) Primordial Infinite Anti-Resistance Music Godstone
46) Primordial Infinite Anti-Hentai Music Godstone
47) Primordial Infinite Anti-“GILFs” Music Godstone
48) Primordial Infinite Anti-“MILFs” Music Godstone
49) Primordial Infinite Anti-Emotions Music Godstone
50) Primordial Infinite Anti-States Music Godstone
51) Primordial Infinite Anti-Gods Music Godstone
52) Primordial Infinite Anti-Christ Music Godstone
53) Primordial Infinite Demons Music Godstone
54) Primordial Infinite Devils Music Godstone
55) Primordial Infinite Anti-Heavens Music Godstone
56) Primordial Infinite Anti-Angels Music Godstone
57) Primordial Infinite Hells Music Godstone
58) Primordial Infinite Hades Music Godstone
59) Primordial Infinite Anti-“Provokies” Music Godstone
60) Primordial Infinite Anti-“Hookies” Music Godstone
61) Primordial Infinite Anti-“Triggers” Music Godstone
62) Primordial Infinite “M-1436” Music Godstone
63) Primordial Infinite Anti-Imprintings Music Godstone
64) Primordial Infinite Anti-Sounds Music Godstone
65) Primordial Infinite Anti-Telepathy Music Godstone
66) Primordial Infinite Anti-Channellings Music Godstone
67) Primordial Infinite Anti-Informations Music Godstone
68) Primordial Infinite Anti-Movements Music Godstone
69) Primordial Infinite Anti-Disruptions Music Godstone
70) Primordial Infinite Anti-Disorientations Music Godstone
71) Primordial Infinite Anti-Suppressions Music Godstone
72) Primordial Infinite Darkness Music Godstone
73) Primordial Infinite “Comedian” Music Godstone
74) Primordial Infinite Anti-Mantras Music Godstone
75) Primordial Infinite Anti-Prayers Music Godstone
76) Primordial Infinite Devolutions Music Godstone
77) Primordial Infinite Insanities Music Godstone
78) Primordial Infinite Abyss Music Godstone
79) Primordial Infinite Anti-Creators Music Godstone
80) Primordial Infinite Monsters Music Godstone
81) Primordial Infinite Shadows Music Godstone
82) Primordial Infinite Mutations Music Godstone
83) Primordial Infinite Anti-Varaibim Music Godstone
84) Primordial Infinite Anti-"V-Space" Music Godstone
85) Primordial Infinite Anti-"V-Harems" Music Godstone
86) Primordial Infinite Anti-Goddesses Music Godstone
87) Primordial Infinite “Clown” Music Godstone
88) Primordial Infinite Humour Music Godstone
89) Primordial Infinite Anti-Blocks Music Godstone
90) Primordial Infinite Anti-Insecurities Music Godstone
91) Primordial Infinite Anti-Worries Music Godstone
92) Primordial Infinite Anti-Illusions Music Godstone
93) Primordial Infinite Anti-Genjutsu Music Godstone
94) Primordial Infinite Anti-Love Music Godstone
95) Primordial Infinite Anti-Families Music Godstone
96) Primordial Infinite Anti-Relationships Music Godstone
97) Primordial Infinite Anti-Friendships Music Godstone
98) Primordial Infinite Anti-Marriages Music Godstone
99) Primordial Infinite Anti-Attachments Music Godstone
100) Primordial Infinite Anti-“God’s Harems” Music Godstone
101) Primordial Infinite Optimism Music Godstone
102) Primordial Infinite Anti-Pessimism Music Godstone
103) Primordial Infinite Anti-"God's Connections" Music Godstone
104) Primordial Infinite Anti-Cosmos Music Godstone
105) Primordial Infinite Anti-“Free Will” Music Godstone
106) Primordial Infinite Anti-Buddhas Music Godstone
107) Primordial Infinite Anti-Bodhisattvas Music Godstone
108) Primordial Infinite Anti-Dao/Tao Music Godstone
109) Primordial Infinite Anti-Yin Music Godstone
110) Primordial Infinite Anti-Yang Music Godstone
111) Primordial Infinite Anti-Shinto Music Godstone
112) Primordial Infinite Anti-Hinduism Music Godstone
113) Primordial Infinite Anti-Daoism/Taoism Music Godstone
114) Primordial Infinite Anti-Temples Music Godstone
115) Primordial Infinite Anti-Statues Music Godstone
116) Primordial Infinite Anti-Stupas Music Godstone
117) Primordial Infinite Desecration Music Godstone
118) Primordial Infinite Disempowerments Music Godstone
119) Primordial Infinite Anti-Mosques Music Godstone
120) Primordial Infinite Anti-Churches Music Godstone
121) Primordial Infinite Anti-Integrations Music Godstone
122) Primordial Infinite Anti-Intrusions Music Godstone
123) Primordial Infinite Anti-Time Music Godstone
124) Primordial Infinite Anti-Realities Music Godstone
125) Primordial Infinite Anti-Space Music Godstone
126) Primordial Infinite Anti-Minds Music Godstone
127) Primordial Infinite Anti-Souls Music Godstone
128) Primordial Infinite Limbo Music Godstone
129) Primordial Infinite Anti-Liars/Lies Music Godstone
130) Primordial Infinite Nights Music Godstone
131) Primordial Infinite Bones (Spinal Cords) Music Godstone
132) Primordial Infinite Anti-Prisons Music Godstone
133) Primordial Infinite Anti-Travel Music Godstone
134) Primordial Infinite “Origin Infinite Joker” Music Godstone
135) Primordial Infinite Anti-Needles Music Godstone
136) Primordial “Infinite Multiple Kage Bushins” Music Godstone
137) Primordial Infinite "Team God" Music Godstone
138) Primordial Infinite “Sex Games” Music Godstone
139) Primordial Infinite Anti-“Former Creators” Music Godstone
140) Primordial Infinite Super Anti-“Old Infinities” Music Godstone
141) Primordial Infinite Super Anti-“Hidden Infinities” Music Godstone
142) Primordial Infinite Super Anti-“Final Infinities” Music Godstone
143) Primordial Infinite Super Anti-“Former Infinities” Music Godstone
144) Primordial Infinite "Old Infinities" Music Godstone
145) Primordial Infinite Super Anti-“Old Origins” Music Godstone
146) Primordial Infinite Super Anti-“Former Origins” Music Godstones
147) Primordial Infinite "(Role-Playing Games) RPG-Hells" Music Godstone
148) Primordial Infinite “(Role-Playing Games) RPG Humans/Humanoids Females-Prisons-Hells” Music Godstone
149) Primordial Infinite Super Anti-Celestials Music Godstone
150) Primordial Infinite Super Anti-“Varaibim’s Imaginations” Music Godstone
151) Primordial Infinite Super Anti-“Varaibim’s GodBodies” Music Godstone
152) Primordial Infinite Super Anti-“The First Servants” Music Godstone
153) Primordial Infinite Super Anti-“Varaibim's Former Inner Gods” Music Godstone
154) Primordial Infinite Super Anti-"Varaibim's Spiritual Cultivation Energies Mantra Energies Sun-Gazing Energies Meditation Energies Qigong Energies Awareness Energies Breathing Energies Sexual Energies Sperm Energies Food Energies Drinks Energies" Music Godstone
Origin Infinite V for Vendetta
1) V-Origin Music Godstone
2) Primordial Infinite Weapons Music Godstone
3) Primordial Infinite Relics Music Godstone
4) Primordial Infinite Dragons Music Godstone
5) Primordial Infinite Powers Negation Music Godstone
6) Primordial Infinite Powers Absorption Music Godstone
7) Primordial Infinite Powers Duplication Music Godstone
8) Primordial Infinite Powers Control Music Godstone
9) Primordial Infinite Powers Creation Music Godstone
10) Primordial Infinite Powers Counter Music Godstone
11) Primordial Infinite Weaknesses Creation Music Godstone
12) Primordial Infinite Vampirism Music Godstone
13) Primordial Infinite Retributions Music Godstone
14) Primordial Infinite Vengeance Music Godstone
15) Primordial Infinite “Sutras Knives” Music Godstone
16) Primordial Infinite “Visored” Music Godstone
17) Primordial Infinite “Varaibim Phurba-Dorje-Kartika” Music Godstone
18) Primordial Infinite “Varaibim Shang-Bell” Music Godstone
19) Primordial Infinite Interrogations Music Godstone
20) Primordial Infinite Confessions Music Godstone
21) Primordial Infinite Judgements Music Godstone
22) Primordial Infinite “Avengers” Music Godstone
23) Primordial Infinite “Provokies” Music Godstone
24) Primordial Infinite “Hookies” Music Godstone
25) Primordial Infinite “Triggers” Music Godstone
26) Primordial Infinite Imprintings Music Godstone
27) Primordial Infinite Disruptions Music Godstone
28) Primordial Infinite Disorientations Music Godstone
29) Primordial Infinite Suppressions Music Godstone
30) Primordial Infinite Limiters Music Godstone
31) Primordial Infinite Locks Music Godstone
32) Primordial Infinite “Blockers” Music Godstone
33) Primordial Infinite Torture Music Godstone
34) Primordial Infinite Reversals Music Godstone
35) Primordial Infinite Justice Music Godstone
36) Primordial Infinite “Executioners” Music Godstone
37) Primordial Infinite “Vigilantes” Music Godstone
38) Primordial Infinite Churches Music Godstone
39) Primordial Infinite Mosques Music Godstone
40) Primordial Infinite Temples Music Godstone
41) Primordial Infinite Statues Music Godstone
42) Primordial Infinite Cross Music Godstone
43) Primordial Infinite Traps Music Godstone
44) Primordial Infinite “Origin Infinite V for Vendetta” Music Godstone
45) Primordial “Infinite Multiple Kage Bushins” Music Godstone
46) Primordial Infinite Snipers Music Godstone
47) Primordial Infinite Backstabbers Music Godstone
48) Primordial Infinite Invisibility Music Godstone
49) Primordial Infinite Guns Music Godstone
50) Primordial Infinite Archers Music Godstone
51) Primordial Infinite Bows Music Godstone
52) Primordial Infinite Arrows Music Godstone
53) Primordial Infinite "Team God" Music Godstone
54) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Powers Negation Music Godstone
55) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Powers Absorption Music Godstone
56) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Powers Duplication Music Godstone
57) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Powers Control Music Godstone
58) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Powers Creation Music Godstone
59) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Powers Counter Music Godstone
60) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Weaknesses Creation Music Godstone
61) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Vampirism Music Godstone
62) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Anti-“Varaibim’s Imaginations Varaibim’s GodBodies Varaibim's Former Inner Gods” Powers Negation Music Godstone
63) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Anti-“Varaibim’s Imaginations Varaibim’s GodBodies Varaibim's Former Inner Gods” Powers Absorption Music Godstone
64) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Anti-“Varaibim’s Imaginations Varaibim’s GodBodies Varaibim's Former Inner Gods” Powers Duplication Music Godstone
65) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Anti-“Varaibim’s Imaginations Varaibim’s GodBodies Varaibim's Former Inner Gods” Powers Control Music Godstone
66) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Anti-“Varaibim’s Imaginations Varaibim’s GodBodies Varaibim's Former Inner Gods” Powers Creation Music Godstone
67) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Anti-“Varaibim’s Imaginations Varaibim’s GodBodies Varaibim's Former Inner Gods” Powers Counter Music Godstone
68) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Anti-“Varaibim’s Imaginations Varaibim’s GodBodies Varaibim's Former Inner Gods” Weaknesses Creation Music Godstone
69) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Anti-“Varaibim’s Imaginations Varaibim’s GodBodies Varaibim's Former Inner Gods” Vampirism Music Godstone
70) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Anti-“Varaibim's Imaginations” Music Godstone
71) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Anti-“Varaibim's Characters Imaginations” Music Godstone
72) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Anti-“Varaibim's Franchises Imaginations” Music Godstone
V-Space GodBody Origin Infinite Bex
1) V-Origin Music Godstone
2) Primordial Infinite Fire Music Godstone
3) Primordial Infinite Water Music Godstone
4) Primordial Infinite Air Music Godstone
5) Primordial Infinite Earth Music Godstone
6) Primordial Infinite Ether/Spirit Music Godstone
7) Primordial Infinite Sounds Music Godstone
8) Primordial Infinite Ice Music Godstone
9) Primordial Infinite Wood Music Godstone
10) Primordial Infinite Lightning Music Godstone
11) Primordial Infinite Light Music Godstone
12) Primordial Infinite Channellings Music Godstone
13) Primordial Infinite Hacking Music Godstone
14) Primordial Infinite Singing Music Godstone
15) Primordial Infinite Feminine Music Godstone
16) Primordial Infinite Masculine Music Godstone
17) Primordial Infinite Yin Music Godstone
18) Primordial Infinite Yang Music Godstone
19) Primordial Infinite Dao/Tao Music Godstone
20) Primordial Infinite God Music Godstone
21) Primordial Infinite Consciousness Music Godstone
22) Primordial Infinite Transformations Music Godstone
23) Primordial Infinite Summonings Music Godstone
24) Primordial Infinite Authority Music Godstone
25) Primordial Infinite Mantras Music Godstone
26) Primordial Infinite Suns Music Godstone
27) Primordial Infinite Evolutions Music Godstone
28) Primordial Infinite Speed Music Godstone
29) Primordial Infinite States Music Godstone
30) Primordial Infinite K-Pop Music Godstone
31) Primordial Infinite J-Pop Music Godstone
32) Primordial Infinite C-Pop Music Godstone
33) Primordial Infinite Elements Music Godstone
34) Primordial Infinite “Varaibim” Music Godstone
35) Primordial Infinite EDM Music Godstone
36) Primordial Infinite Electricity Music Godstone
37) Primordial Infinite Metals Music Godstone
38) Primordial Infinite Crystals Music Godstone
39) Primordial Infinite Imaginations Music Godstone
40) Primordial Infinite “V-Earths” Music Godstone
41) Primordial Infinite Internet Music Godstone
42) Primordial Infinite “Sammyboy” Music Godstone
43) Primordial Infinite “V-Space” Music Godstone
44) Primordial Infinite Rock Music Godstone
45) Primordial Infinite Programming Music Godstone
46) Primordial Infinite “GodFunctions” Music Godstone
47) Primordial Infinite Communications Music Godstone
48) Primordial Infinite Brains Sahasrara Music Godstone
49) Primordial Infinite Creator Music Godstone
50) Primordial Infinite Will Music Godstone
51) Primordial Infinite Willpower Music Godstone
52) Primordial Infinite Apotheosis Music Godstone
53) Primordial Infinite “Producer” Music Godstone
54) Primordial Infinite “Songwriter” Music Godstone
55) Primordial Infinite Writings Music Godstone
56) Primordial Infinite “SoundCloud” Music Godstone
57) Primordial Infinite “YouTube” Music Godstone
58) Primordial Infinite Movies Music Godstone
59) Primordial Infinite Screenwriting Music Godstone
60) Primordial Infinite "Palladium Books" Music Godstone
61) Primordial Infinite Sentience Music Godstone
62) Primordial Infinite Integrations Music Godstone
63) Primordial Infinite Combinations Music Godstone
64) Primordial Infinite Stones Music Godstone
65) Primordial Infinite “Godstones” Music Godstone
66) Primordial Infinite Codes Music Godstone
67) Primordial Infinite Alignments Music Godstone
68) Primordial Infinite Transmissions Music Godstone
69) Primordial Infinite Keywords Music Godstone
70) Primordial Infinite Epic Music Godstone
71) Primordial Infinite Wi-Fi Music Godstone
72) Primordial Infinite Stars Music Godstone
73) Primordial Infinite Lotteries Music Godstone
74) Primordial Infinite "TheLotter" Music Godstone
75) Primordial Infinite “V-Space GodBody Origin Infinite Bex” Music Godstone
76) Primordial Infinite Chanting Music Godstone
77) Primordial “Infinite Multiple Kage Bushins” Music Godstone
78) Primordial Infinite Dimensions Music Godstone
79) Primordial Infinite "Team God" Music Godstone
80) Primordial Infinite Music Videos Music Godstone
81) Primordial Infinite "Earths-Origins" Music Godstone
82) Primordial Infinite “Music Videos MV-Prisons” Music Godstone
83) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions States Music Godstone
84) Primordial Infinite “Old Origins” Music Godstone
85) Primordial Infinite “Infinities-Prisons” Music Godstone
86) Primordial Infinite “Origins-Prisons” Music Godstone
87) Primordial Infinite Former Origins Music Godstone
88) Primordial Infinite Former Infinities Music Godstone
89) Primordial Infinite “Earths-Redemptions” Music Godstone
90) Primordial Infinite “Elven-Earths” Music Godstone
91) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Fire Music Godstone
92) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Water Music Godstone
93) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Air Music Godstone
94) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Earth Music Godstone
95) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Ether/Spirit Music Godstone
96) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Consciousness Music Godstone
97) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions States Music Godstone
98) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions “Varaibim's Former Inner Gods Music Videos MV (Role-Playing Games) RPG-Prisons-Hells” Music Godstone
"Loudmouth" Origin Infinite Fuzuku Doji
1) V-Origin Music Godstone
2) Primordial Infinite Power Music Godstone
3) Primordial Infinite Reality Music Godstone
4) Primordial Infinite Space Music Godstone
5) Primordial Infinite Time Music Godstone
6) Primordial Infinite Mind Music Godstone
7) Primordial Infinite Soul Music Godstone
8) Primordial Infinite Magic Music Godstone
9) Primordial Infinite GameMaster Music Godstone
10) Primordial Infinite Freedom Music Godstone
11) Primordial Infinite Illusions Music Godstone
12) Primordial Infinite Games Music Godstone
13) Primordial Infinite Samsara Music Godstone
14) Primordial Infinite Zanpakutos Music Godstone
15) Primordial Infinite Bankai Music Godstone
16) Primordial Infinite "Ji Orumaiti" Music Godstone
17) Primordial Infinite Void Music Godstone
18) Primordial Infinite Guards Music Godstone
19) Primordial Infinite Armies Music Godstone
20) Primordial Infinite Warriors Music Godstone
21) Primordial Infinite War Music Godstone
22) Primordial Infinite Death Music Godstone
23) Primordial Infinite Snitching Informants Music Godstone
24) Primordial Infinite Security Music Godstone
25) Primordial Infinite Teacher Music Godstone
26) Primordial Infinite Police Music Godstone
27) Primordial Infinite Judiciary Music Godstone
28) Primordial Infinite Laws Music Godstone
29) Primordial Infinite Punishments Music Godstone
30) Primordial Infinite Combat Music Godstone
31) Primordial Infinite Genjutsu Music Godstone
32) Primordial Infinite Matter Music Godstone
33) Primordial Infinite Enhancements Music Godstone
34) Primordial Infinite Vision Music Godstone
35) Primordial Infinite Domination Music Godstone
36) Primordial Infinite Manipulation Music Godstone
37) Primordial Infinite Enslavement Music Godstone
38) Primordial Infinite Military Music Godstone
39) Primordial Infinite Changes Music Godstone
40) Primordial Infinite Japan Music Godstone
41) Primordial Infinite Pickup Artist Music Godstone
42) Primordial Infinite Symphonies Music Godstone
43) Primordial Infinite Guardians Music Godstone
44) Primordial Infinite Kami Music Godstone
45) Primordial Infinite Oracles Music Godstone
46) Primordial Infinite Atoms Music Godstone
47) Primordial Infinite Aliens Music Godstone
48) Primordial Infinite Bodies Music Godstone
49) Primordial Infinite Honour Music Godstone
50) Primordial Infinite Pain Music Godstone
51) Primordial Infinite Eyes Music Godstone
52) Primordial Infinite Symbiotes Music Godstone
53) Primordial Infinite Supremacy Music Godstone
54) Primordial Infinite Divinations Music Godstone
55) Primordial Infinite Enforcers Music Godstone
56) Primordial Infinite Contracts Music Godstone
57) Primordial Infinite Promises Music Godstone
58) Primordial Infinite Agreements Music Godstone
59) Primordial Infinite Dueling Music Godstone
60) Primordial Infinite Debates Music Godstone
61) Primordial Infinite Strategies Music Godstone
62) Primordial Infinite Brainwashing Music Godstone
63) Primordial Infinite “Mind Control” Music Godstone
64) Primordial Infinite Holograms Music Godstone
65) Primordial Infinite DNA Music Godstone
66) Primordial Infinite Attunements Music Godstone
67) Primordial Infinite Frequencies Music Godstone
68) Primordial Infinite Implants Music Godstone
69) Primordial Infinite Teachings Music Godstone
70) Primordial Infinite Third Eye Ajna Music Godstone
71) Primordial Infinite Wings Music Godstone
72) Primordial Infinite Rules Music Godstone
73) Primordial Infinite “"Loudmouth" Origin Infinite Fuzuku Doji” Music Godstone
74) Primordial “Infinite Multiple Kage Bushins” Music Godstone
75) Primordial Infinite Negation Music Godstone
76) Primordial Infinite Absorption Music Godstone
77) Primordial Infinite Duplication Music Godstone
78) Primordial Infinite Control Music Godstone
79) Primordial Infinite Creation Music Godstone
80) Primordial Infinite Counter Music Godstone
81) Primordial Infinite Reflections Music Godstone
82) Primordial Infinite "Team God" Music Godstone
83) Primordial Infinite Diplomacy Negotiations Music Godstone
84) Primordial Infinite Zanjutsu Music Godstone
85) Primordial Infinite Seduction Music Godstone
86) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Negation Music Godstone
87) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Absorption Music Godstone
88) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Duplication Music Godstone
89) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Control Music Godstone
90) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Creation Music Godstone
91) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Counter Music Godstone
92) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions Reflections Music Godstone
93) Primordial Infinite Music-Emotions “Seppuku Harakiri Rituals Suicides Atonements Retributions Confessions” Music Godstone
The Universe Prime Source Original Creator Destroyer God D.EvilGod DevilGod The 14th Blighted Lord Of The 14th Maergzjirah Tower Of Apotheosis The Singapore Infernal God-Emperor Japanese Infernal Taishōgun Super-Origin Super-Infinite “Divine Venus Primordial Void Primordial Sound Destiny Dragon Super Aries Varaibim Hau Cheong (True Black Yang Zhang Hao)”
1) V-Pineal Original Super Music Godstone
2) V-Origin Original Super Music Godstone
3) Original Super V-Eyes
4) God Original Creator Powers Original Super Music Godstone
5) God Original Creator Realities Original Super Music Godstone
6) God Original Creator Space Original Super Music Godstone
7) God Original Creator Time Original Super Music Godstone
8) God Original Creator Minds Original Super Music Godstone
9) God Original Creator Souls Original Super Music Godstone
10) God Original Creator Magic Original Super Music Godstone
11) God Original Creator Infinities Original Super Music Godstone
12) Primordial “Universe Source God All-That-Is Prime Creator Original Creator Infinite Varaibim Hau Cheong” Original Super Music Godstone
13) Primordial Infinite “Golden Dragon Lotus Flower Crystal Sun Power Staff JOTIERA” Original Super Music Godstone
14) Primordial Infinite "Team God" Music Godstone


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