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Open many beers! US Commander Captured in Yemen while 123 dogs killed, 160 dogs POW! Iran celebrate! Saudi Cry!


Poor Golden Escalator!


Yemeni forces kill 123, capture 160 Saudi-led coalition mercenaries

TEHRAN, Jun. 18 (MNA) – Saudi and UAE-led coalition have transferred dozens of dead bodies of their mercenaries who were killed on Hudaida battlefield to Aden.

Two lorries filled with the bodies of the Saudi and UAE-led coalition mercenaries arrived in the southern port city of Aden on Sunday, according to Yemenipress news website.
The bodies belonged to mercenary fighters who had been hired by the Saudi and UAE-led coalition in the southern Yemeni provinces, Yemnipress repot added.
Yemeni Defense Ministry had already announced on Saturday that in clashes between Yemeni forces comprised of the Army and popular forces, and the Saudi and UAE-led coalition forces comprised of some Arab states’ armies, more than 500 coalition mercenaries were killed or wounded in the Western Coast front.
Yemen Naval forces announced on Friday that a Tochka missile was fired at the positions of the mercenary forces of the Saudi and UAE coalition, killing dozens of their troops.
Ali al-Emad, a member of the political bureau of Ansarullah movement told al-Mayadeen TV yesterday that the Yemeni forces had killed 160 mercenary fighters in the fights on Saturday.
Moreover, Mohammad al-Bakhiti, another member of political bureau of Ansarullah movement, told al-Mayadeen that Yemeni forces had seized a French boat near Hudaida coast at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan, quoting the French newspaper ‘Figaro’ as saying that French special forces are helping the Saudi-Emirati aggressors in the assault on Hudaida.
According to other reports, Yemeni forces have surrounded Saudi-led coalition forces for two days and the sea is their only way to escape.
The Saudi and UAE-led coalition launched their operation dubbed ‘Golden Victory’ to capture vital port city of Hudaida on Tuesday, at the risk of exacerbating the world’s biggest humanitarian crisis in Yemen.


American commander reportedly captured by Yemeni forces

TEHRAN, Jul. 02 (MNA) – Yemeni Army and Popular Committees forces have captured one of the commanders of the American private military company Blackwater, according to Yemeni media.

The arrest of the American agent who reportedly fought for the UAE in Yemen and was close to the UAE's crown prince Mohammad Bin Zayed, can bring about strategic changes in favor of the Yemenis.
The Yemeni media, quoting sources familiar with the matter, added that the captive was an American field commander.
A whistleblower Twitter account probably belonging to one of the UAE security officers has confirmed the news, saying that the Yemeni army and the Ansarullah group had been able to capture one of the commanders of the American private security company Blackwater, which fight for the UAE in Yemen.
According to the Twitter account, “the Houthis, who have captured one of the Blackwater commanders working with us, will shortly release its related footage."
Some Yemeni media also reported that “the Yemeni army has captured ‘a big fish’ on the western coastal region, and we will see strategic changes to the war in favor of the Yemeni army.”
Meanwhile, UAE's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash announced on his Twitter account on Sunday that military operations in Hudaida port city had temporarily been stopped, while claiming that the halt to the operations was an attempt to facilitate the mission of the United Nations Special envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths to secure an unconditional surrender of Hudaida.


Mon Jul 02, 2018 4:33

Yemeni Army Captures US Commander

TEHRAN (FNA)- A commander of the infamous US security firm, formerly known as Blackwater, in Yemen was held captive by the Yemeni army and popular committees.
"The Yemeni army and Ansarullah group could hold captive one of the commanders of the US Blackwater firm who was fighting for the UAE in Yemen," a UAE security officer wrote on his twitter page on Monday.
He added that Ansarullah will soon release footages of the Blackwater commander who was held captive.
Meantime, the Yemeni media wrote on Monday that the country's army has hunted a big fish on the Western coasts, adding that strategic developments will be witnessed in the next few days to the benefit of the Yemeni army.
Another Blackwater commander had also been killed earlier when the Yemeni military backed by fighters of Ansarullah movement launched a Tochka ballistic missile on the al-Anad military base in the Southern Yemeni province of Lahij.
Colonel Nicholas Petros was killed along with a group of mercenaries fighting for the Saudi regime in its war on Yemen.
Lebanon's al-Ahed news website reported at the time that Apache helicopters, Typhoon fighter jets and armories belonging to the mercenaries were destroyed in the missile strike.


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2018-07-03 17:36 沙特 /美国 /伊朗



在荷台达地区作战的阿盟联军补给线被切断 战役开始后,阿盟联军的进攻节奏相当迅猛,锋线很快就抵达荷台达机场外围。以至于外界都认为也门内战的战略转折点必然是这次胜券在握的荷台达战役。军事专家称,大兵团决战对于胡塞武装来说显然是噩梦,因为胡塞武装既没有强有力的空中支援,又没有强大的地面重火力和机动装甲力量支持。仅凭游击战策略是无法在战役初期获得优势的,因此把阿盟联军放进荷台达外围打优势运动战和巷战是逼不得已的策略。


胡塞武装伏击阿盟联军 事实证明胡塞武装“纵敌深入”的谋略是正确的,阿盟联军的进攻不得不止步于荷台达机场外围。而胡塞武装的强势反攻也随后展开。胡塞武装的反击方向有两个,一是打击沙特南部边境地区的军事目标作为战略钳制策略;二是针对沿着也门西海岸由南往北“长蛇阵”进攻的阿盟联军,直接采取突袭、分割歼灭战术。双方战报显示,阿盟联军在西海岸地区被胡塞武装切了三刀分为四段。


胡塞武装无人机空袭,释放迫击炮弹打击地面目标 沙特军方消息人士透露,联军的补给线已经被切断,沙特已经紧急向荷台达前线派出12辆规模物资增援车队,但这些应急物资能否数顺利抵达荷台达还是个未知数。因为胡塞武装近日的突袭战术令阿盟联军地面部队损失惨重。胡塞武装还加强了无人机空袭战术的使用,被认为是伊朗提供技术的胡塞无人机可以被用来向地面目标投掷迫击炮弹。胡塞武装从靠近西海岸联军阵地的山顶释放无人机空袭战术相当有效。


阿联酋叫停对荷台达地区胡塞武装的进攻 还有一名受雇与阿联酋军方,隶属美国雇佣军黑水公司的前美军野战指挥官被胡塞武装活捉。胡塞武装称“在西部沿海地区抓获了一条大鱼”,并承诺将很快对外公布相关视频。有分析指出,现实军事困境和美国雇佣军指挥官被俘,才是阿联酋无奈紧急叫停进攻荷台达的主要原因。然而阿盟联军以及哈迪政府军与胡塞武装的矛盾显然难以调和,何况胡塞武装已经在荷台达一线翻转战局。


也门西海岸战场态势图 目前阿联酋(UAE)的决定,对胡塞武装有两点明显的好处。一是可以让胡塞武装获得喘息和调整军事部署的机会。二是,之前在也门战场被俘的伊朗友军将领这下有救了(阿盟联军此前称在也门抓获伊朗革~命卫队指挥官)。胡塞武装可以用这次活捉的黑水公司美国野战指挥官做交换,只要胡塞武装提出换俘建议,相信沙特和阿联酋一定会积极配合。 返回搜狐,查看更多