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Only those with cheebyes can go to Mars.


Alfrescian (Inf)


The initial stages of Humankind history of colonization had always began with exploration by the brave, courageous & resourceful leaders. It does NOT matter if it will be females or males that make the first step, as ultimately, at this stage of Humanity's evolution, EACH are only explorers, with a MISSION in mind - INTELLIGENCE - to gather data to be processed, studied, debated & FINALLY - the safe colonization of Mars & ultimately Humanity's destiny - the Universe.

While research & missions by Humankind had been sent to search for Planet B, it had been discovered by scientific data that it will take at the minimum 11 light years to reach the best possible near earth like planet - a speed at light that is YET to be achieved by Humanity's current stage of science. At current known speeds, it will take hundreds of years to reach there, just for exploration & probably another few centuries before safe colonization can be achieved.

However, should the conditions of our planet get worse, TERRAFORMING Mars & Venus, which lays within the conducive 'Goldilocks region' where planets are habitable, may be the quicker solution for planetS B. It is not impossible as it seems, & will take est 50yrs, by way of using microbes - algae- within controlled environments such as edible healthy Spirulina & it will propagate quickly to produce oxygen & for the ingredients of life to begin, as it had billions of years ago in the history of planet Earth. Our ancient ancestors 300,000 yrs ago were Vegetarians before they discovered fire & tools to hunt animals for food.

As huge frozen ice had been found on the poles of Mars, it can be melted to warm the planet, forming rivers & seas form, further growth of trees, etc, thus creating a breathable atmosphere over time. There is much more, more so as our science is advance DAILY, thanks to the dedication & efforts by MANY current living today, whom build upon known knowledge by our forefathers.

There is yet much to be explored & known, & it would be better spent than to dwell of fears & wars, killing & harming each other when there are BETTER Worlds that await us & future innocent generations to come, NOT by dreams, but by intelligence, hope, hard work & considerations for others as we can only build dreams by being TOGETHER on SHARED goals for survival, than being alone & apart which only spells doom.

However, on a side note, may the mission planners realize that male or female, each DO have psychological needs that can only be met by physical intimacy, with a FUTURE in mind. It will help & MOTIVATE the explorers to survive, as LOVE compels all to achieve heights beyond ones ability & even comprehension, proven since Civilization began. Childbirth & the inherent medical / psychological needs are not impossible to be met for space missions, as past space missions had proven we Humanity are able to overcome hurdles, by courage & innovation, not by fear or perceived mental limitations by small minded individuals.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
The initial stages of Humankind history of colonization had always began with exploration by the brave, courageous & resourceful leaders. It does NOT matter if it will be females or males that make the first step, as ultimately, at this stage of Humanity's evolution, EACH are only explorers, with a MISSION in mind - INTELLIGENCE - to gather data to be processed, studied, debated & FINALLY - the safe colonization of Mars & ultimately Humanity's destiny - the Universe.

While research & missions by Humankind had been sent to search for Planet B, it had been discovered by scientific data that it will take at the minimum 11 light years to reach the best possible near earth like planet - a speed at light that is YET to be achieved by Humanity's current stage of science. At current known speeds, it will take hundreds of years to reach there, just for exploration & probably another few centuries before safe colonization can be achieved.

However, should the conditions of our planet get worse, TERRAFORMING Mars & Venus, which lays within the conducive 'Goldilocks region' where planets are habitable, may be the quicker solution for planetS B. It is not impossible as it seems, & will take est 50yrs, by way of using microbes - algae- within controlled environments such as edible healthy Spirulina & it will propagate quickly to produce oxygen & for the ingredients of life to begin, as it had billions of years ago in the history of planet Earth. Our ancient ancestors 300,000 yrs ago were Vegetarians before they discovered fire & tools to hunt animals for food.

As huge frozen ice had been found on the poles of Mars, it can be melted to warm the planet, forming rivers & seas form, further growth of trees, etc, thus creating a breathable atmosphere over time. There is much more, more so as our science is advance DAILY, thanks to the dedication & efforts by MANY current living today, whom build upon known knowledge by our forefathers.

There is yet much to be explored & known, & it would be better spent than to dwell of fears & wars, killing & harming each other when there are BETTER Worlds that await us & future innocent generations to come, NOT by dreams, but by intelligence, hope, hard work & considerations for others as we can only build dreams by being TOGETHER on SHARED goals for survival, than being alone & apart which only spells doom.

However, on a side note, may the mission planners realize that male or female, each DO have psychological needs that can only be met by physical intimacy, with a FUTURE in mind. It will help & MOTIVATE the explorers to survive, as LOVE compels all to achieve heights beyond ones ability & even comprehension, proven since Civilization began. Childbirth & the inherent medical / psychological needs are not impossible to be met for space missions, as past space missions had proven we Humanity are able to overcome hurdles, by courage & innovation, not by fear or perceived mental limitations by small minded individuals.
Is there a TL/DR version of the above?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Putting four bitches within a confined area for 18 months is simply asking for trouble.
Women understand women and they hate each other.
