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Only less than 10% take up rate for bivalent vaccines in SG, so ST must do something to boost rate...


Alfrescian (Inf)
This so-called Christian doctor? :biggrin:

Therapeutic Intervention – A Personal Viewpoint and Appoach By Dr Quek Koh Choon


I am a Christian doctor and at the outset, I make it clear to my patients my religious beliefs. However, in my approach to therapeutic intervention incorporating spirituality, I am fully conscious that it is important that physicians maintain the utmost respect for patients’ rights to autonomy and freedom of thought and belief. As such, the approach in therapeutic intervention will vary depending on each patient’s spiritual beliefs and convictions. Nevertheless, there are certain common denominators and principles derived from spirituality that can be helpful to all patients, irrespective of their faith and religion.

Just another lanjiao lang porlumpar who writes to the Shitty Times and has the letters published. :FU:



Alfrescian (Inf)
This turd of a doctor is constantly featured in the Shitty Times.

How having one regular doc can help improve patient health​

https://www.straitstimes.com/singap...regular-doc-can-help-improve-patient-health-0 [PAYWALL]

General practitioner Quek Koh Choon often sees familiar faces over the years at work.

"The children I saw years back are now parents themselves and they now bring their children to see me. Their parents are still consulting me," said Dr Quek, 73, who has been practising in Bedok North for about 40 years.

He is also a hardcore Christian.


Copyright 2001© QUEK KOH CHOON
If you have any feedback, you may write to Block 123, Bedok North Street 2, #01-160, Singapore 460123

This is his clinic.
