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Once upon a time I believed in humanity and people will help others in distress. How stupid and naive I was.




This is because you are not a genuinely good person. You help others to expect good karma for yourself. That's GREED .
You evil shameless Cantonese dog son of prostitute are always accusing me what you are yourself do charity to get good karma whereas not only did I not think of that but I was so stupid to do charity to return to society just because I get scholarship. And of course to evil ingrate like you is normal to take charity and not just don’t give thanks to to your benefactor but twist it to people do charity for good karma 恩将仇报的狗就是这样 Pui!!


You evil shameless Cantonese dog son of prostitute are always accusing me what you are yourself do charity to get good karma whereas not only did I not think of that but I was so stupid to do charity to return to society just because I get scholarship. And of course to evil ingrate like you is normal to take charity and not just don’t give thanks to to your benefactor but twist it to people do charity for good karma 恩将仇报的狗就是这样 Pui!!
It's the truth and it hurts you isn't it? Your anger and incessant spamming of this forum is evident that you are guilty as charged.:cool: