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Once in 50 Years Flooding Again!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jul 24, 2008
Posted on 15 Mar 2010
Absurd that just 15 mins of heavy rain can cause such flooding at Rowell Rd


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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STOMPer Han says it is unacceptable that flooding occurs at Rowell Rd after a downpour of only 15 mins.

In an email to STOMP today (Mar 15), the STOMPer says:

“This flooding situation has been happening for a long time at Rowell Road.

“Other places require half a day of heavy rain for a flood to occur, but not this place.

“Just 15 minutes of heavy rain will contribute to an hour of inconvenience for the residents.

“The authorities should do something about this problem.”

Click on thumbnails for larger image

Keywords: flood , flooding
Where is Yaaakooop? What will he comment after this? Maybe is normal every year happen few times.
Let's note even think about the MP first ( I think it's Lee Boon Yang btw). I too live in a previously flood prone area and early one morning a nearby road was inundated after heavy rains. I also noticed that vehicles were going down the road and getting caught in the water because the drivers didn't know it was flooded - it was still dark but the street lamps were already off.

So I called 995 to ask if they could deploy a traffic controller at the mouth of the road to divert traffic away. They asked if any vehicle was stuck and I said, 'no'. They then told me they would respond only if someone was already in trouble. So I asked who I could call and they said they didn't know.

I hung up and after a while called 999 - the police do after all have a traffic division, and the Tanglin HQ was just across the road.

'Is there an accident?'
'is there any fighting?'

I tried to explain that I want to prevent these things but all they could say was 'we'll see what we can do.'


So,unless elections are coming soon, don't expect to see your MPs.

Where is Yaaakooop? What will he comment after this? Maybe is normal every year happen few times.
Is it due to the choked leaves? Nowadays Bangla cleaners were told to sweep the fallen leaves to the longkang to cut down the cost on trash bags.
foreign workers are getting smarter and smarter day by day...many have become keng kings and keng queens...damned jialat liao...singaporeans will face really tough times ahead...
Yawnnnnn...just woke up.......wa so fast 50 years already ha ?

Felt like just a few months ago that a massive flood submerge elites' cars in Bukit Timah or some condos.

Time sure flies.

Can add this MIW responsible to prevent flood into the list to be executed ?
Expect the PAP to blame it on external factors, e.g. Global Warming :D
complain so much for what?

PAP don't want to do anything about it you all also lan lan.
complain so much for what?

PAP don't want to do anything about it you all also lan lan.

Ya lor....... Rowell & Bukit Timah got lots of difference ;)
Bukit Timah kenna flood they will move heaven & earth and get something done........ Rowell kenna flood ...... YOU DIE YOUR BUSINESS ! :mad: