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Once again Temasick any how spend your money.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

It's OK. 61% are very happy for the loss.

Temasick would back any firm started by a CECA
They think CECA means they are an ASSET, but they are invariably liabilities in the land of SG and Sinkaporeans

PAP rating is gone down to the lowest record ever since 377A appealed among Singaporeans. PAP regard all praises of CECA as Singaporeans approvals. CECA is the primary factor for the PAP's fall. Sinkie will NOT respect any PAP once they know the truths.


Last.tume Creative approach for support ,end up Papigs short sighted,lol,but in the end Microsoft gave them the support,from these u know temasick full of dumb ass,but Don worry 61 % loves to be screwed,lol

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Last.tume Creative approach for support ,end up Papigs short sighted,lol,but in the end Microsoft gave them the support,from these u know temasick full of dumb ass,but Don worry 61 % loves to be screwed,lol

Why did the opposition did not raise any question not to repeal 377A?
I am scrutinizing devil here if they are all gays too.

More to come

Singapore Dancing Spirit

If they resisted 377A, vast majority of Sinkies conservatives may have supported.

Nevertheless., Section 377a is the major factor for their fall along with Lion as Dragon want it that way/
Dragon did not like the lion even though both are anti-god and me.

Singaporeans also now divided because of section 377A as they do not like their sons and daughters being fcuked by strangers in their house.