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OMG!! USA Has Deployed Nukes in that Stupid Pinoyland!!!!


Pinoys asking to be the next Ukraine.
Not only they are the sick man of Asia but retarded and stupid man of Asia.
The Pinoys, like the Ukrainians, are not the most intelligent of people. Marcos is playing with fire, and Philippines could be the next Ukraine.

The Ukrainians always pick the wrong side - they went with the Nazis in WWII and they were screwed. Now they sided with NATO and their country is in shambles


Alfrescian (Inf)
The Pinoys, like the Ukrainians, are not the most intelligent of people. Marcos is playing with fire, and Philippines could be the next Ukraine.

The Ukrainians always pick the wrong side - they went with the Nazis in WWII and they were screwed. Now they sided with NATO and their country is in shambles
as usual ccp crap propaganda is spewed all over social media. never underestimate young failippinos, viets, and indons. i’m socializing with them in mobile apps where they prove to be savvy and smart in tech. many of them are writing codes and hacking the web in a constructive and collaborative manner to offer products and solutions. you too stupid and blind to fathom the sea change.


as usual ccp crap propaganda is spewed all over social media. never underestimate young failippinos, viets, and indons. i’m socializing with them in mobile apps where they prove to be savvy and smart in tech. many of them are writing codes and hacking the web in a constructive and collaborative manner to offer products and solutions. you too stupid and blind to fathom the sea change.
Written by a smart Pinoy - hope it's not too much for your bird brain...lol

By Jun Abines

Yes. Not with China, but with the United States of America. We are basically at the start of the 2nd Filipino-American war. As we speak, Philippines is already a US-occupied country with nine (9) US Military Bases scattered all over the Philippines.

The United States of America have fooled us once again.

During the first Filipino-American War from 1899 to 1903, the American forces lied that they came to Philippines in 1898 to help us fight Spain. It was too late to learn we were sold to US by Spain. The US soldiers were already securely garrisoned inside our key cities. We resisted the Americans and we lost badly. They killed nearly a million Filipinos, women and children all over the country.

Today we let the American Military, AGAIN, to come to Philippines to "help" us fight China. But as we speak, no American forces are there to back or help our Filipino Soldiers in confronting China in the South China Sea. Not even a shadow of a US soldier was there.

Instead, the US just give our soldiers small boats and guns to confront China alone. No US warship, No US Aircraft Carriers and No US Soldiers were there to support our Filipino soldiers in the West Philippines Sea or South China Sea to be exact.

The United States Military is busy fortifying and strengthening their position inside our civilian airports and military bases. We have no idea how many US Soldiers and what kind of war equipment, bombs, missiles and technological warfare are now inside those Nine (9) EDCA Bases all over the Philippines.

While the Filipinos are being fooled by the media of focusing and hating China in our territorial disputes, the United States is busy making sure that they can withstand any possible Filipino resistance once we realize that the US is here to control, subjugate and make Philippines it's colony once again.

There is no question that President Bongbong Marcos Jr., is working for the United States. There is no question that 90% of our media is under the control of the United States. There is no question that most of our politicians are already bought by the United States. Same goes with the oddly silent Catholic Church and the CPP-NPA-NDF. They are all bought and paid for in cash and in kind.

The ordinary Filipinos are left on our own to fend ourselves.

Once the US military is tightly secured in the 9 EDCA bases and once they are able to recruit, organize and mobilize new ISIS-like terrorists in the Philippines, we can expect chaos to spontaneously erupt all over Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. This type of soft-invasion is already tried and tested by the US in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Ukraine. Philippines is no special. Just another weak country to play with by the US forces.

There were rumors that hi-tech small killer drones as small as birds or insect are flying around Davao City hunting Pastor Apollo Quiboloy in his residence. American soldiers were spotted arriving at Davao International Airport recently. Looks like they are eager to use their killer drone toys to us, Filipinos.

We all know Quiboloy is but an evangelist and a church leader who is known for his work supporting Rodrigo Duterte. Quiboloy owned the powerful SMNI in countering rebels, terrorist and corruption in the country. If the US forces can neutralize Quiboloy, no Filipino will ever dare fight or oppose the US Agenda and its puppet, President Bongbong Marcos.

Philippines is a very strategic country to the world. We are located in the heart of South East Asia and the Pacific. We have the 13th largest population in the world. We have 340 thousand square kilometers of land and millions of square kilometers of seas and ocean surrounding us. And most importantly we are in front of China, the biggest threat to US economic and military hegemony.

The United States is now fighting for its throne and existence. Being the No. 1 manufacturer of arms and war equipment, the only way it can stop China from become the ultimate economic and military superpower in the world is by dragging China to a long protracted war.

If we look at Eastern Europe, Russia is now busy fighting and killing Ukrainians. The US want China very soon to be busy fighting and killing Filipinos. With China having the biggest Military and Navy in the world, the US can definitely make use of "brave" Filipinos to die for the American cause.

In the last 3 decades, we cheered Americans for invading, bombing and killing Iraqis, Yemenis, Syrians, Libyans and Afghanistans in the pretense of fighting against terrorism. Now we saw the US provoking war with Russia using Ukraine.

If Filipinos don't wake-up and resist, we will soon experience first hand the terrors suffered by those countries. All chaos, killings and sufferings that happened in the world today has but one common factor or denominator: The United States.

If we think the US are spending billions of dollars to move their soldiers and equipment in Philippines for display and exhibition, we are doomed.

The US Military Industrial complex wants actual shooting wars to happen in the Philippines versus China. That is the only way they can make money. Bombs flying and exploding. That is also the only way to stop China from rapidly growing economically and military. War baby, War!

So what are we going to do now?

We need every Filipino to know what's going on. We need our Soldiers and Police to know what's going on. We have a chance of resisting successfully if we know who are our real enemies.

Yes, we are at war. And the enemy is now inside our shores. We are at the beginning of second Filipino-American War.

If we win, the Americans will be kicked out of our country and we can be at peace with China. If we lose, terrorism will happen all around Philippines and a total War with China versus Philippines is inevitable. And the US will happily give us arms and bombs like they did to Ukraine. All in the hope that we Filipinos will all die and suffer and make Philippines a US formal colony once again.


Stupid is as stupid does...


red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
erm so what? UK used to deploy Red Beard in SG. And we have US logistics base here where nuclear powered vessel frequently dock. What's the difference?


Alfrescian (Inf)
i’m on an ai powered mmporg military simulator with over a million amerikans, aussies, kiwis, indons, thais, failippinos, viets, taiwanese, japs, gooks, cecas, malaysians, sinkies (only a few) spanning over 699 nvda powered servers across the globe, and the unanimous choice of the main “enemy” is tiongcock. any ccp bastards we “kill” and “zero” their bases. song boh?


erm so what? UK used to deploy Red Beard in SG. And we have US logistics base here where nuclear powered vessel frequently dock. What's the difference?
Matter of degree. We angkat bola, the Pinoys are deepthroated down to their ass.

The entire Pinoyland has been turned into one giant US military base for one sole purpose - to trigger a proxy war with China that will divert all resources to the MIC and its posse of defence contractors who will swoop in pick up the spoils and recolonize Pinoyland.

Of course this flies over the heads of US fanboy retards like @eatshitndie whose only access to war is the joystick in his right hand.


Alfrescian (Inf)
this ccp cocksucker should know since he claims to be knowledgeable about the ccp and sg. lky told deng in 70s in the face that if ccp wanted diplomatic help and collaboration from sg in rousing asean nations to confront vietnam and soviet influence in sea, ccp must stop their support of the cpm (and cpt) on the malay peninsula and ask their ccp comrade insurgents to balik kampong. deng asked for time to consult his ccp stooges and in 18 months acceded to lky’s request. cpm was disbanded in 1.69 years and chin peng ran road to beijing. with xia xuay xi in charge of ccp and no lky to call them off, xia xuay is stirring shit in the area again with his 6.9th column of spies and fuckwits.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Strange that people still live in the past millennium. Ching Peng, Deng, LKY... Even their souls have retired for 30 over years. The new world order is the joint force of China Russia. BRICS is the 21st century. Even Saudi has dumped USD. The more you see the West ramping up its laughable rhetoric, the deeper the shit they are in. Ukraine will perish and West will find some face saving narratives to get out. Pinoyland will bark a few years and Marcos will be replaced by someone without daddy's baggage. Taiwan will self surrender and submit to China without a single bullet being fired. The West will continue to bark for 20 years and finally get tired of itself. Its over.