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Omg I should thank this guy for making me checked my cpf nomination today


And realised my ex husband name still inside 50%. Forgot about it and didn’t change my cpf nomination.

Anyway, you have nobody to leave the money to after you kicked the bucket. So might as well let him have it. If not, you can nominate the few of us at Sammyboy as your beneficiary. At least, we made you feel shiok by harassing you everyday.


Anyway, you have nobody to leave the money to after you kicked the bucket. So might as well let him have it. If not, you can nominate the few of us at Sammyboy as your beneficiary. At least, we made you feel shiok by harassing you everyday.
Hey since I am going to redo my cpf nomination I can donate to cancer research but i only want to donate to USA cancer research and not local ones that will help you leeches and parasites Cantonese dogs sons of chickens shameless evil ingrates that chopped and stabbed your benefactor non stop. Pui!