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NYC: Muslim who stabbed cop in the neck while screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ says ‘my religion made me do it’


Cue the chorus of non-Muslim authorities and “experts” to tell Dzenan Camovic “No, your religion did not make you do it.”

Back in the real world, this is a quintessential example of the Leftist/jihadist alliance, as Camovic stabbed an NYPD officer in the neck (“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks,” Qur’an 47:4) during the recent Leftist riots in New York City.

“Immigrant who stabbed cop in neck is ISIS fan, said ‘my religion made me do it’: feds,” by Rebecca Rosenberg, New York Post, August 26, 2020:

A illegal immigrant who stabbed an NYPD officer in the neck then opened fire on cops earlier this year is an ISIS supporter who confessed “my religion made me do it,” federal prosecutors alleged Wednesday.

The accusation came as a federal grand jury indicted Bosnian Dzenan Camovic, 20, for the June incident in Brooklyn, which unfolded against the backdrop of nationwide protests over the police-custody death of George Floyd.

“Dzenan Camovic, an illegal alien and Bosnian national, is alleged to have used the cover of chaos during recent civil unrest in New York City to launch a premeditated and cowardly attack from behind against two New York City Police officers, brutally slashing one with a knife, stealing his weapon and opening fire, and injuring several responding officers,” said Attorney General William Barr in a statement announcing the indictment.

Camovic — a Muslim man living in Brooklyn — allegedly ambushed two officers who were on foot patrol near Flatbush and Church avenues just before midnight on June 3, officials said.

After allegedly stabbing one cop in the neck, he unsuccessfully tried to slice the other officer while shouting in Arabic “God is the greatest,” court papers say.

He then ran back to the first officer, snatched his gun and opened fire on responding cops. During the ensuing gunfight, he shot one officer in the hand and another in the arm, prosecutors allege.

Cops returned fire, striking Camovic multiple times before taking him into custody. The brutal attack was captured on surveillance video and body cameras, officials said.

While recovering at Kings County Hospital, Camovic allegedly told a healthcare worker that he believed he’d killed two cops and claimed “my religion made me do it,” according to court papers. The three injured officers survived.

A subsequent investigation revealed that Camovic had a trove of radical jihadist propaganda on his phone, computer and other electronic devices, officials said.

Camovic allegedly supported ISIS and had used the dark web and various forms of encryption to hide his online activity, according to federal prosecutors.

In the days after the incident, a relative insisted to The Post that while Camovic is a “practicing Muslim,” he’s “absolutely not a terrorist.”…

syed putra

That is a stupid statement.
Religion cannot speak and its not even alive.
It cannot tell anyone what to do. Its a virtual idol.
People submitting to religion are making a mockery of themselves.


Very interesting. This religion seems to make its followers committed a number of evil things. The religion must thus be an evil religion.
to be fair, at different points in history, different religions have committed evil things. I've yet to find a religion free of it.

It's just that at this moment in time, Islam is the only one that has gone backwards into violence. The rest have moved on to other ways of using and controlling people while although less immediately violent and barbarous, have some bad effects as well.

Tony Tan

This is righteous and HOLLY!

This type of Religious Spirit & ACTION MAKE ME GIVE ISLAM MORE RESPECT!

ALL RELIGIONS should be in this way, and it is the ONLY CORRECT WAY. World's BALANCE BY MUTUAL ELIMINATION is most crucial for continuous and long lasting Existence of Man & all other forms of lives on this planet.

Stupid Modern Civilization MISLED this world with IDIOTIC FATAL MISTAKE of Peaceful Co-Existence idea - this will precisely and exactly and INEVITABLY LEAD to TOTAL EXTINCTION & TOTAL DESTRUCTION of Planet Earth, by Exhausted Vital Resources due to OVERPOPULATION & OVERCONSUMPTION.


“Immigrant who stabbed cop in neck is ISIS fan, said ‘my religion made me do it’: feds,” by Rebecca Rosenberg, New York Post, August 26, 2020:


enough said.
