Posted on 21 Apr 2011
NTU exams to go on, despite falling on Polling Day
<!--<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>--><SCRIPT type=text/javascript> /* FB.init("94647dc2aba553f149d6f1f12f85ecc6", "/xd_receiver.htm"); function callPublish(title, articleLink, description, thumbnailLink, myemotion) { var message = "is '" + myemotion + "' about this STOMP story: "; var attachment = { 'name': title, 'href': articleLink, 'description': description, 'media': [{ 'type': 'image', 'src': thumbnailLink, 'href': articleLink}] }; FB.Connect.streamPublish(message, attachment); }*/ function facebookPublish(appId, articleLink, thumbnailLink, articleTitle, caption, description, emotion) { emotion = "is '" + emotion + "' about this STOMP story: "; urlLink = ""; urlLink = "" + appId + "&link=" + articleLink + "&picture=" + thumbnailLink + "&name=" + articleTitle + "&caption=" + caption + "&description=" + description + "&message=" + emotion + "&redirect_uri=" + caption + "/site/static/fbWindowClose.html";, 'facebookWindow', 'width=1000, height=400'); return; } function shortenURL(articleLink){ shortURLLink = ""; $.getJSON("", {url: articleLink}, function(data) { shortURLLink = eval(data).tinyurI; }); } </SCRIPT>
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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<IFRAME style="BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: none; BORDER-LEFT-STYLE: none; WIDTH: 450px; BORDER-TOP-STYLE: none; HEIGHT: 35px; BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE: none; OVERFLOW: hidden" src="" frameBorder=0 allowTransparency scrolling=no></IFRAME><IFRAME style="WIDTH: 110px; HEIGHT: 20px" class="twitter-share-button twitter-count-horizontal" title="Twitter For Websites: Tweet Button" tabIndex=0 src="" frameBorder=0 allowTransparency scrolling=no></IFRAME><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=""></SCRIPT>Examinations scheduled on May 7, which also happens to be Polling Day, will take place as originally scheduled to minimise any disruption, NTU (Nanyang Technological University) told its students today (Apr 21).
This decision was made after many students pointed out that they have made travel and other plans after May 7. The university had originally intended to postpone the exams to a week later, from May 7 to May 14, since Polling Day is also a public holiday.
To help students who are eligible to vote on Polling Day, the university will provide additional shuttle buses to help them get to their destinations more quickly.
Furthermore, there are only two exam sessions on that day, so eligible students will have sufficient time to cast their votes on the same day.
NTU exams to go on, despite falling on Polling Day
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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<IFRAME style="BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: none; BORDER-LEFT-STYLE: none; WIDTH: 450px; BORDER-TOP-STYLE: none; HEIGHT: 35px; BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE: none; OVERFLOW: hidden" src="" frameBorder=0 allowTransparency scrolling=no></IFRAME><IFRAME style="WIDTH: 110px; HEIGHT: 20px" class="twitter-share-button twitter-count-horizontal" title="Twitter For Websites: Tweet Button" tabIndex=0 src="" frameBorder=0 allowTransparency scrolling=no></IFRAME><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=""></SCRIPT>Examinations scheduled on May 7, which also happens to be Polling Day, will take place as originally scheduled to minimise any disruption, NTU (Nanyang Technological University) told its students today (Apr 21).
This decision was made after many students pointed out that they have made travel and other plans after May 7. The university had originally intended to postpone the exams to a week later, from May 7 to May 14, since Polling Day is also a public holiday.
To help students who are eligible to vote on Polling Day, the university will provide additional shuttle buses to help them get to their destinations more quickly.
Furthermore, there are only two exam sessions on that day, so eligible students will have sufficient time to cast their votes on the same day.