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Chitchat Northpoint Mall Official A Covid Cluster! But No Need To Close For Two Weeks! Still Safe For Sinkies To Shop! Come Come!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

SINGAPORE — Shopping mall Northpoint City will roll out UV-disinfecting autonomous mobile robots as part of a series of measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus, but will remain open, a spokesperson for the mall said on Sunday (April 26).

The Yishun mall, which is owned by Frasers Property, was one of the new Covid-19 clusters identified by the Ministry of Health on Saturday. It is made up of seven previously identified cases.

"Necessary measures" have been taken to ensure the safety of all staff members, tenants and shoppers at the mall, said the spokesperson.

These include existing safe distancing measures, temperature screening for all shoppers and frequent disinfecting and thorough cleaning of the mall. Contact tracing measures using the SafeEntry app are being implemented, added the spokesperson.

In addition, disinfecting mobile robots which emit UV-C rays to eradicate viruses will also be introduced, said the spokesperson.

Three cleaners at Northpoint City tested positive for Covid-19 on April 14 and 15, confirmed the spokesperson.

"All parties who have been in close contact with the individuals were identified and placed on leave of absence following this," said the spokesperson. "The health and safety of our staff, tenants and shoppers remain our utmost priority.

"We urge all shoppers to remain vigilant, practise good hygiene and to immediately seek medical attention should they exhibit any symptoms associated with Covid-19." CNA

Read more at https://www.todayonline.com/singapo...-open-will-roll-out-disinfecting-robots-fight