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Nobody said you wouldn't get COVID if you're vaccinated




I learn something. Doing a Sales pitch when you are a Dr selling drugs is a very effective mind control tool.
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Regardless of what you do. Pap ain't going to be accounted for it.
I need to clear up some things. To ask ur govt to account for things, u need people to have balls and integrity, with the mentally of what u do will help the people, society and country wisely. Eg. Iris Goh.
I benefited from its donation. So shall shut-up.
Yeah. So much for integrity. Is that an admission that u have been bought over cheaply?
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I need to clear up some things. To ask ur govt to account for things, u need people to have balls and integrity, with the mentally of what u do will help the people, society and country wisely. Eg. Iris Goh.

Yeah. So much for integrity. Is that an admission that u have been bought over cheaply?

You cannot save humanity. You can only shelter those who seek out.

No way am I going all out to go against money. But I can do good with what was donated.

Be wealthy. Look at the boss of sheng shiong.


Alfrescian (Inf)
t's time to stop saying 'fully vaccinated' for Covid as everyone became OBSOLETE.

They're trying to normalize getting annual Covid shots, similar to the 'norm' of getting annual flu shots.

Turns out the normal people don't take annual flu shots anyway, so fuck you Big Pharma. :cool:


You cannot save humanity. You can only shelter those who seek out.

No way am I going all out to go against money. But I can do good with what was donated.

Be wealthy. Look at the boss of sheng shiong.
once again, need to clarified my idea of save humanity. There is no someone to save humanity. Humanity is to save themselves. Tools and information are given to humanity and it is up to them to use that tool and info to save themselves if they want to. Free will is in charge.

The world's monetary system is a dark construct to enslave and control humanity and give the rich elites the power to control the life of every aspect of a human being. There is no need for money ( system of credits) to exists at all in the first place. If i can grow my own food, why do i need money to pay for them? a connection to mother earth and nature will give you much abundance.

By aligning yourself to the dark construct of the money system in place, one will let himself even more depth to the enslavement and control of the ones who have it all. In other words, by getting money this way, you will be ask to do things in the view that you owe your beneficiaries a debt and need to be repaid in future time. How is that for freedom? More like slavery.

There is nothing wrong with being wealthy as the money system is very much ingrained in every part of society. But there are people who dun sell their soul and ass for money and get money with integrity by beating the dark construct of the monetary system. Look at the late boss of Ikea. Work until his death and still want his business to service the world. He is a billionaire all by himself.
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