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Posted on 28 Mar 2010
Couple caught stealing iPhone from Far East Plaza shop
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STOMPer Angry Victim said this couple was arrested for they were caught stealing her iPhone from her shop at Far East Plaza, but the girl was later released without any punishment.
Said the STOMPer:
"On Mar 24, I saw this couple at Far East Plaza.
"They saw me talking on my iPhone. Then, the girl came and browsed the things in my shop.
"I kept my phone under the counter as usual as there wasn't any problem before and went to serve her.
"When I got back to my counter my iPhone was missing.
"The guy was caught the next day but the girl, who was obviously his accomplice, was released.
"Now, he claimed that he sold my phone and I cannot get any compensation.
"I had only gotten the phone for 3 days.
"The girl should be caught and punished."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: caught red-handed , thief , caught on camera
Couple caught stealing iPhone from Far East Plaza shop
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Angry Victim said this couple was arrested for they were caught stealing her iPhone from her shop at Far East Plaza, but the girl was later released without any punishment.
Said the STOMPer:
"On Mar 24, I saw this couple at Far East Plaza.
"They saw me talking on my iPhone. Then, the girl came and browsed the things in my shop.
"I kept my phone under the counter as usual as there wasn't any problem before and went to serve her.
"When I got back to my counter my iPhone was missing.
"The guy was caught the next day but the girl, who was obviously his accomplice, was released.
"Now, he claimed that he sold my phone and I cannot get any compensation.
"I had only gotten the phone for 3 days.
"The girl should be caught and punished."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: caught red-handed , thief , caught on camera