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No.1 question on Russian-Ukraine war, is Zelensky regime worth preserving?


If its not, then let Russia get rid of this Zelensky regime. If N Korea get invaded by Russia, will USA help?




'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' - a wise counsel since Civilization began.

Is UKR an enemy of Humanity? No. It has no nukes, had NEVER threatened any other nation, but focused on trade with Humanity with its vast mineral & agriculture resources. There no doubt were issues of corruption, but such never threatened or harm other nations, as each do have to do due diligence upon contracts, which are never bullets that will kill.

Is RUS an enemy of Humanity? It is NOT the enslaved RUS People that are the enemy, but only the current RUS LEADERS. It has nukes & had NEVER been shy to let Humankind know, & had threatened often to use it if Humanity does not kneel to its demands. Equally, if not worse, its corruption are of the highest levels on trade with other nations, & even attempted to hinder the World Economic order by demanding its roubles be used, akin to China's RMB, which cannot be trusted as there is nothing to back up such monetary values, & many fellow Humans WILL lose their hard earned life savings from the capricious nature of dictators.

N. Korea had threatened OFFICIALLY S.Korea, USA & Humanity with its development of nukes, as well as its brutally sad treatment of our fellow Humans in N.Korea. We Humanity can only Positively engage with N.Korea, to change its ways & even offered better economic development to make N.Korea a fellow economic tiger in Asia. We Humanity, had done our best, within our limits & more to help N.Korea.

However, if for some strange unknown reasons N.Korea have serious intentions to attack RUS Unilaterally, we Humanity will do our best to convince it not to, even if N.Korea is deemed not a friend of Humanity. Whatever the reasons, it can be discussed & solutions found, to avoid war as such have to be the last resort, as only soft skinned Human precious lives will be lost, as we Humanity attempted to do so for the RUS - UKR war since it started till 31st Dec 2022 2359hrs.

UNFORTUNATELY, RUS leaders had proven their mentality - unevolved beasts - & do not understand the language of Peace. They can only comprehend the visual language of Violence.

Our courageous Forefathers, millions of them, had sacrificed their lives to stop wars for centuries, more recently the 2 Horrific wars, so that we, their descendants, may live in peace & prosperity - no more carving out of nations as done in millennia by those whom presumed to rule in might & hindered Humanity's progress & evolution for their own selfish gains.

Thus, to stop that RUS-UKR war, to save fellow Human lives on all sides & economies - the language of Violence sadly had to be used, to make the brutal unevolved animals that RUS leaders are....to COMPREHEND...

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Alfrescian (Inf)
If its not, then let Russia get rid of this Zelensky regime. If N Korea get invaded by Russia, will USA help?

Ukraine (after Soros' Color Revolution) is the money laundering and human trafficking hub for the Deep State demons. Of course they want to sustain it. :cool:


I dont think President Comedian want to end this war, he prefer to be President Forever in Ukraine, no Election issue
President Comedian can continue sell-out his Country, ask more guns, loan more money ... drag the party as long as possible
The outcome of Ukrainian people will be screwed either way, Defeated by the Russia or spend the rest of the century paying off the Debts

syed putra

Flatten Palestine please and make it an extension of Israel.
Many young palestinians already have accepted the fact that sooner or later, they will be part of israel. They only worry is whether israel will accept them as citizens or force them out into the refugee camps in neighbouring countries. Their land and properties of course will be confiscated as the jews refuse to recognise land titles issued by the ottoman turks, like how thet seized the land previously occupied by arabs in current day israel, and continue to do so in the west bank.

syed putra

There is no way to resolve this issue now as zelensky insist on compensation from russia except total control of Ukraine and turn it into a part of russia.


Now Ukrainian people are feeling super nationalistic, they rather die fighting the Russia than to have peace talk.
At the same time they hated President Comedian for bringing this war & their country to this stage.


There is no way to resolve this issue now as zelensky insist on compensation from russia except total control of Ukraine and turn it into a part of russia.
Except a coup. Which can be devised easily by the Interior Minister. Strangely he and his attaché is no more. A fortunate coincidence is it not? :unsure:



"Zelensky should be at the negotiating table but instead tours the world selling his forever war as Ukraine is destroyed and conscripted Ukranians are killed by the tens of thousands.
In the past 25 years, the imperialists have perpetrated wars of aggression.. They've killed millions of people and displaced millions more.
NATO members have never faced justice for these crimes.
If we actually care about justice, we will stop the antagonism and hypocrisy and get down to the real work of peace making."

syed putra

Anyway, to understand ukraine, you must understand the US.
US, i was informed, does not tolerate competitors.
Especially after WWII, when british empire was forced to disband.
When EU was created, US had to counter with NAFTA.
When russia supplied cheap lng and oil to EU, europe became a direct competitor and a threat.
Germany was the biggest exporter on the planet. It had to be destroyed.
Of course once tge job is completed, the focus now is on China.