We have already on thousands of websites set up a vast database of QANON studies that show you clearly masks do not work.
We have also just released thousands of carefully created propaganda studies and datasets to show you vaccines dont work as well.
Lucky for you our brother
@Leongsam is a keen follower of our slanderous mask and vaccine studies and promotes them here to convince you that your own government, the governments of 150 other countries, and virtually all human beings on planet Earth are wearing masks and vaccinating for no reason at all.
Every time
@Leongsam posts data about masks and vaccines, this is our official QANON created content designed to lead our followers into further darkness and despair. We stand for death not life. And we do not agree with President Biden and his agenda to end our glorious Pandemic. How dare he try to lead Americans into a united, strong, and economically powerful recovery from the Pandemic. We do not agree with ending the deaths. Disgusting.