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Nigeria: Peaceful Jihad attacks in four local government areas force 2,000 non-peaceful people to flee their homes



Residents of Nigeria’s Borno state have fled to neighboring Yobe due to attacks by unknown gunmen believed to be Boko Haram terrorists, police said Thursday.

Yobe State Police Command spokesperson Dungus Abdulkarim said in a statement that gunmen have forced residents of four local government areas in Borno to flee to Yobe.

He listed Gubio, Magumeri, Kaga, and Konduga as the worst affected communities.

“They are believed to have relocated from their ancestral homes due to incessant attacks by unknown gunmen terrorizing their communities while in search of food items and other valuables,” the statement said.

“In a proactive move, over 2,000 migrants so far have been profiled by the command for security reasons while the influx of people into the state is still ongoing….

syed putra

Boko haram( books are forbidden) is a terrorist group uding faith as their excuse to commit attrocities