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Chitchat Nigel Farage elected to British Paliament for first time (Dr Chee got hopes?)

Scrooball (clone)


Trump ally Nigel Farage elected to British parliament for first time​


Katrina Bishop

  • After seven failed attempts, Nigel Farage has won a seat in the U.K.'s parliament.
  • "My plan is to build a mass national movement over the course of the next few years and hopefully be big enough to challenge the general election properly in 2029," Farage said after the result was announced.
  • The result comes amid a surprisingly strong election performance by Reform UK, which has a hardline stance on immigration.
Reform UK leader Nigel Farage waves after being elected to become MP for Clacton at the Clacton count centre in Clacton-on-Sea, eastern England, early on July 5, 2024.

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage waves after being elected to become MP for Clacton at the Clacton count centre in Clacton-on-Sea, eastern England, early on July 5, 2024.
Henry Nicholls | Afp | Getty Images

LONDON — Populist lawmaker Nigel Farage on Friday won his first-ever seat in the U.K.'s parliament as he looks to shake up the country's politics with his right-wing Reform UK party.
The win by the Brexit proponent follows seven failed attempts to become a member of the British parliament, although he has served as a (pro-Brexit) member of the European Parliament.
"My plan is to build a mass national movement over the course of the next few years and hopefully be big enough to challenge the general election properly in 2029," Farage said after the result was announced.

The result comes amid a surprisingly strong election performance by Reform UK, which has a hardline stance on immigration. The party secured four parliamentary seats on a vote share of about 14%.

It follows a U-turn by Farage who had previously declared he would not stand as an MP in this election, choosing instead to focus on helping U.S. former President Donald Trump's campaign.

However, just last month Farage announced a surprise return to Reform UK and agreed to become its leader. The news gave the party a huge bump in popularity, with polls showing it was closing in on the ruling Conservatives.

Euroskeptic Farage is best known for campaigning — successfully — for the U.K. to leave the EU. He led the UK Independence Party (UKIP) before forming the Brexit Party which eventually turned into Reform.

syed putra

Too bad George Galloway lost.
If anything Farage blamed the US for war in Ukraine so he is not all that bad.


Nigel is delusional if he thinks he can build UK without immigrants.

What can the pommies do nowadays? Do nothing but drink all day.