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Nice CNN Satellite photo told Dotard to Suck on Kim Jong Nuke's missile test! GPGT!

war is best form of peace


Exclusive: Images show North Korea missile launch as Pyongyang tests Trump

By Zachary Cohen and Nicole Gaouette, CNN

Updated 2040 GMT (0440 HKT) May 5, 2019

Washington (CNN)A new satellite image obtained by CNN shows the smoke trail of a Friday rocket launch by North Korea that is likely a short-range missile, according to the group that analyzed the picture.
"The location of the launch, the thick, smoky appearance of the exhaust and the fact that there is only one rocket trail all suggest this was the short-range ballistic missile that North Korea showed in its propaganda," said Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the Middlebury Institute.
The Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey provided CNN with two images of the smoke trail.
A US official tells CNN that an early analysis says the launches "appear to have been both MLRS (multiple launch rocket systems) and what is being looked at as a possible short range ballistic missile."
The missile test, North Korea's first since 2017, serves as a clear warning of leader Kim Jong Un's frustration at the state of talks with the US, which have been deadlocked since President Donald Trump walked out of their Vietnam summit early in February. The launch follows a warm meeting between Kim and Russian President Vladimir Putin less than two weeks ago and likely signals more tests to come, Lewis said.
Lewis said the North Koreans began firing a barrage of short-range projectiles beginning at approximately 9:06 a.m. on Saturday (8:06 p.m., ET Friday). Sometime around or after 10 a.m., Pyongyang fired another projectile. The image of that launch and the smoky plume it trailed in its wake was caught by Planet Labs, which works with the Middlebury Institute.
"This is a one in a million shot," Lewis told CNN. The missile "was fired right about this time" and the photo would have been taken "within a few seconds, maybe a few minutes."
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, speaking on ABC News "This Week," confirmed that the projectile was "relatively short range" and "landed in the water east of North Korea and didn't present a threat to the United States or to South Korea or Japan."
The US and North Korea have hit an impasse as Pyongyang is demanding sanctions relief before it begins to denuclearize, while the US insists that Pyongyang relinquish its nuclear weapons before any economic pressure is eased.
Pompeo struck a positive note on ABC, saying, "We still believe there's an opportunity" to achieve "verified denuclearization" and that the US side hopes "we can get back to the table and find the path forward." The top US diplomat added that the US is still speaking with representatives of the regime since the failed Hanoi summit.
Pompeo and other senior security officials met to discuss the launch on Saturday. The US special representative to North Korea, former Ford auto executive Stephen Biegun, travels to Japan on May 5 for meetings.
Kim had pledged not to fire long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles, so the launch doesn't violate the letter of his agreement with Trump, but it does violate an understanding Pyongyang made with Seoul to stop firing missiles as a confidence building measure.
Lewis sees a historical parallel with a North Korean promise to declare a moratorium on long range missile tests in the early 2000s that lasted for several years. When Pyongyang broke that moratorium in 2006, they started with a short range missile test that technically did not break the agreement.
"But it was a warning," Lewis said. "Then as now, talks were deadlocked. They did a short-range missile test and in July they did a big one," using the long range Taepodong 2 missile. "This is a pretty classic move from them to start small and work their way up. It's a warning that there's more to come."
Despite the prospect of escalating tensions, Pompeo defended the President's negotiating tactics on ABC, saying "this is the President who has put on the toughest sanctions in the world on North Korea" and that "the US continues to apply pressure."
He said the US has to "play out every diplomatic effort we have" to achieve denuclearization and do that "without the use of force."
"We continue to work toward that," Pompeo said.
Asked about reports that North Korean negotiators involved in the failed Vietnam summit have been executed, Pompeo said, "I don't have anything to add to that this morning," but acknowledged that he may have to negotiate with other people going forward.
CNN's Ryan Browne, Matthew Hoye, Jennifer Hansler and Kylie Atwood


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war is best form of peace



2019年05月06日 09:19 环球网


[环球网报道 实习记者 李东尧]“百万里挑一的照片”,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)5日用这样兴奋的标题表达自己拿到了一张极其独家的照片——朝鲜上周五试射短程导弹的“尾烟轨迹图”。

文章援引明德大学蒙特雷国际研究学院核不扩散项目主任杰弗里·刘易斯的话说,“发射地点、浓密程度(the thick)、尾烟以及只有一条火箭轨迹的事实,显示这是朝鲜在其宣传中展示的短程弹道导弹。”
刘易斯说,朝鲜从4日当地时间上午9时06分开始发射一连串短程投射物(short-range projectiles),到了10点左右或之后,平壤方面又发射了另一枚投射物。这次发射的图像与它的尾烟被跟蒙特雷国际研究学院合作的美国行星实验室公司铺捉到了。




The US media excitedly announced the trajectory map of the missile trailing smoke: a photo of one million
May 06, 2019 09:19 Global Network

Original title: "One million photos!" US media excitedly announced the North Korean missile test shot trail map

[Global Network reports intern reporter Li Dongjun] "One million in one photo", CNN on the 5th with such an excited title expressed that he got an extremely exclusive photo - North Korea last Friday test The "tail trail map" of short-range missiles.

This is this ↓

CNN said its latest satellite image shows that North Korea’s rocket launched on May 4 may be a short-range missile.

The article quoted Jeffrey Lewis, director of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Program at the Monterey Institute of International Studies at Mingde University, as saying, "The fact that the launch site, the thick, the tail smoke, and only one rocket track show that this is North Korea. Short-range ballistic missiles displayed in the propaganda."

Lewis’s Monterey Institute of International Studies provided CNN with two photos with smoke marks. A US official told CNN that an early analysis said that the launch "appears to be a multi-barrel rocket system and is considered a possible short-range ballistic missile."
CNN report screenshot CNN report screenshot

Lewis said that North Korea launched a series of short-range projectiles from 9:06 am local time on the 4th. By about 10 o'clock or after, Pyongyang launched another projectile. The image of the launch and its tail smoke were captured by the American Planetary Laboratory Company, which was co-operated with the Monterrey Institute for International Studies.

"This is a millionth chance," Lewis told CNN: "The missile was launched at this time, and the photo was taken in just a few seconds or even minutes."

On the 4th of this month, the Korea-US Joint Headquarters reported that North Korea tested several short-range missiles on the morning of the same day, with a flight distance of 70-200 kilometers.

The Korean Central News Agency reported on the 5th that North Korea’s top leader Kim Jong-un guided the military’s fire-fighting training in the East Sea of the DPRK on the 4th.

According to the report, the purpose of this training is to determine and inspect the large-caliber long-range rockets and tactical guided weapons used by North Korea’s frontier and eastern frontline defense forces, to perform the accuracy of fire missions and the combat performance of armed equipment, and to do regular The preparation of the battle mobilization.

The report also said that this firepower training did not advance notice, and it was successful in the case of sudden organization. Kim Jong-un personally issued a shooting order. However, the report did not disclose the specific model of the rocket launcher and missile launched this time.

Editor in charge: Gui Qiang

war is best form of peace


Satellite images reveal activity at North Korean rocket facility
By Will Ripley, CNN

Updated 0636 GMT (1436 HKT) March 9, 2019


Watch as chaos unfolds in Venezuela
(CNN)Satellite images suggest that North Korea could be preparing to launch a missile or space rocket in the near future, analysts said Friday, signaling a potential blow to US-North Korea relations.
The commercial images, taken on February 22 by imaging company DigitalGlobe, reveal an uptick in activity at a facility in Sanumdong, a suburb of the capital Pyongyang. North Korea has previously assembled some of its intercontinental ballistic missiles and satellite-launching rockets at Sanumdong.

Satellite images show activity at North Korean missile site, analysts say

The release of the images follows an assessment by respected North Korea monitoring website 38 North that the Sohae satellite launch facility, which had been partially disassembled as part of disarmament steps, is now back to normal operational status after a flurry of restoration work in recent weeks -- work that appears to have picked up after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump's failed summit in Hanoi on February 28.
"We're seeing a lot of vehicle activity at the Sanumdong facility and also at the rail transfer point where it would be loaded and taken to Sohae," said Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Project at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, who has studied the new images.
"I think the evidence points to a satellite launch, and not just the evidence at Sanumdong, but also the evidence from Sohae."
Satellite launches use similar technology as ballistic missiles, and experts have long maintained that North Korea's attempts to shoot satellites into space could help them develop viable long-range ballistic missiles.
Lewis cautioned that it is impossible to know whether the North Koreans are preparing a military missile or a space rocket. It is also possible that the activity was a deliberate attempt to draw the attention of US spy satellites.
The US State Department has declined to comment.

North Korea acknowledges Trump-Kim summit ended without agreement

"Because that (Sanumdong) facility produces both ICBMs and space rockets, we don't know what's on the train," said Melissa Hanham, a North Korea expert with the One Earth Future Foundation. "We also don't know how far the train has gotten."
Hanham believes a satellite launch is the more likely scenario because there has never been an ICBM launch from Sohae. She also says activity at the launch site should indicate about a week in advance whether a launch is imminent.
"There's never been a surprise launch from Sohae," Hanham said.
It's unclear if the recent developments will affect how the White House moves forward with North Korea.
North Korea's missile program made strides in 2017, with Pyongyang saying it successfully test-fired three intercontinental ballistic missiles. Experts say the Hwasong-15, which was launched in late November, can likely hit much of the United States.
Trump has touted as progress the fact that North Korea has not conducted any missile or nuclear tests in more than a year.
Speaking Wednesday before the release of the latest images, Trump said it was "too early to see" whether Kim had restarted the country's missile testing program but added that he would be "very disappointed" if that turned out to be the case.
Asked whether Kim broke his promise, Trump told reporters: "We're gonna see. It's too early to see. But we have to solve a problem. We have a really nasty problem. We have to solve a problem."
Trump had previously said the two sides departed amicably from the summit and left the door open for future negotiations.
CNN's Josh Berlinger contributed to this report.
