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New Samy's Curry Cluster : Closure of Samy’s Curry Restaurant


Closure of Samy’s Curry Restaurant

MOH is investigating cases of COVID-19 infection involving individuals who visited Samy’s Curry Restaurant (25 Dempsey Road). To date, we have detected 8 cases linked to the cluster, and our epidemiological investigations have found that there is likely ongoing transmission at the restaurant. To break the chain of transmission and enable deep cleaning of the premises, Samy’s Curry Restaurant will be closed to all members of the public from 25 July to 8 August 2021.

All individuals who work in the restaurant have been placed on quarantine, and will be tested during quarantine. To quickly uncover any community infection cases, we will also extend free COVID-19 testing to members of the public who had visited Samy’s Curry Restaurant between 19 July and 23 July 2021. Please refer to https://go.gov.sg/samy-testing for details on the testing operations.

All visitors to the Dempsey area are advised to monitor their health closely, and minimise social interactions as far as possible, for 14 days from their date of visit or interaction. They are encouraged to see a doctor immediately if they feel unwell.



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
None of this is going to make a scrap of difference in the long term.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
While Samy's curry is closed they can come to Sammy's alfresco cafe instead it is always open.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Looks like the entire cluster of F&B businesses at Dempsey Hill can expect very hard times ahead.