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New ERP System Will Charge Drivers By Distance Travelled


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)

Update (18 Jun): Images of the ‘new’ ERP readers in this article are not the final versions but photo illustrations from 2016.

The Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system has been a fairly efficient way of reducing congestion for many years.

In a bid to make the system ‘fairer’, a distance-based charging system will be replacing the current fixed-location one.

The current in-vehicle units (IUs) will be replaced free-of-charge at vehicle inspection centres and designated workshops with new on-board units (OBUs) “progressively” from 2020.


Starting 2020, there will be an 18-month “switchover period” for road users to replaced their IUs with the new OBUs. This will ensure that by the time the new distance-based charging system is up and running, everyone would have had an OBU installed.

Pay based on distance travelled

Instead of being charged when you pass an ERP gantry, the new system will charge you based on the distance you travel on congested roads.

The charging process in 4 steps

This means that you won’t be charged the full price if you’re taking a quick turn into the CBD for a shortcut.


Once the new system is fully in place, you can expect the current ERP gantries to be removed.

In-vehicle units replaced for free

According to the Straits Times, the first replacement will be done for free at appointed workshops and vehicle inspection centres around Singapore.

The new system will also offer other functions as well.

Not only does it track your distance travelled, you can also check on live traffic information and use it for coupon-less parking.


The live traffic information will tell you when there’s an accident or a road closure so you can plan your route better. Basically, GPS without wasting your phone’s battery.


Potentially more expensive Grab & cab rides

Though this may make the trips cheaper for car-owners, private-hire vehicle drivers and taxi drivers may suffer as they travel great distances every day.

So for those of you who regularly use Grab or cab, these additional costs may be borne by you.


As for car owners, you may want to start planning for new routes to save money.
Featured image from Facebook and Google Maps.


Ride share etc helps make tpt easier without the need for ppl to own cars . And bcos ride share etc has gotten popular the pap wants to tax riders and commuters. The working class always bears the burnt of gahmen tax policies


Alfrescian (Inf)
This can probably work if and only if the price of carparking has been greatly reduced.

But it's the PAP-run Sinkieland, so... forget about it. :wink:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
PMDs are the way to go. They are efficient, non polluting and take up very little space.

The roads should be reserved for PMDs during peak hours. Cars and heavy vehicles can be used during non peak hours and weekends to enable people to shop and for goods to be delivered.


This onboard system looks like it draws quite a bit of power.

Will it integrate well with electric vehicles without unduly affecting the range of the standard EV batteries?

Will EV receive rebates when using congested roads?


This onboard system looks like it draws quite a bit of power.

Will it integrate well with electric vehicles without unduly affecting the range of the standard EV batteries?

Will EV receive rebates when using congested roads?

Might fuck up the battery... hahaha get free now n pay later


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
My question is.... if this Distance based Charging is implemented, will COE be scrapped?


Every minute, you will be billed either of the six ways

1. Traveling during peak hours in congested areas
2. Traveling during peak hours in non-congested areas
3. Travelling during non-peak hours
4. Parking in during non-peak hours in congested areas
5. Parking in during non-peak hours in non-congested areas
6. Parking during non-peak areas


This will generate more income for our multi billion government and I'm glad my multimillionaire ministers will get to enjoy a faster bonus year after year while Singaporeans are getting poorer and poorer. Long live PAP, huat ahhhhhh!


My question is.... if this Distance based Charging is implemented, will COE be scrapped?

They will probably scrap road tax if move to distance based charging. But I suspect the tech not ready yet so they still need gantries to confirm the vehicles have entered the chargeable zones.


The erp 2.0 looks stupid. Existing erp cannot solve the actual traffic congestion but only add to the coffers of government
Now this system makes practically every vehicle looks like taxi. Atas vehicle also a taxi wannabe
Might as well flag a cab or grab


PMDs are the way to go. They are efficient, non polluting and take up very little space.

The roads should be reserved for PMDs during peak hours. Cars and heavy vehicles can be used during non peak hours and weekends to enable people to shop and for goods to be delivered.
Then they will implement PMD COE. Then distance based ERP. Then they live happily ever after


Alfrescian (Inf)
The erp 2.0 looks stupid. Existing erp cannot solve the actual traffic congestion but only add to the coffers of government
Now this system makes practically every vehicle looks like taxi. Atas vehicle also a taxi wannabe
Might as well flag a cab or grab

You aren't going to solve the 'congestion problem' when the PAP govt is balls deep into this:


And of course it's to add to the coffers... why else would they want to waste time and resources to think of another scheme? :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
You aren't going to solve the 'congestion problem' when the PAP govt is balls deep into this:


And of course it's to add to the coffers... why else would they want to waste time and resources to think of another scheme? :wink:
You are absolutely right. Lol :biggrin:
However, dumb 70% doesn't realise, still dumb and love to be assfug.Lol :biggrin: