New educative anti-drug mobile game part of measures to tackle youth drug abuse
Published on Jun 26, 2015 2:54 PM
The mobile game revolves around Nelzon, a 15 year old school-boy who must avoid drugs by 'jumping' or 'sliding' over obstacles. -- SCREENGRAB: GOOGLE PLAY/ CENTRAL NARCOTICS BUREAU
By Hoe Pei Shan
SINGAPORE - Avoid drugs, gangsters who tout them, and the temptation to try them by toggling a mobile game character to "jump" or "slide" over these "obstacles".
That is the basic structure of a new mobile game called Nelzon - named after the main application's main character - which was made in conjunction with the 20th anniversary of the Anti-Drug Abuse Campaign (Adac).
The game's student creators from the Nanyang Polytechnic and Second Minister for Home Affairs Masagos Zulkifli jointly launched the application today, at the opening ceremony of the Adac Carnival.
Noting that more young abusers aged below 30 have been arrested in recent years, rising from 826 in 2010 to 1,110 in 2014, Mr Masagos also announced that new initiatives would be implemented to target this group.