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Chitchat New citizens organizing protests?


Old Fart
It baffles me that a sinkie person can be bothered with some shithole place like palestine and their terrorist citizens when we have many local issues to deal with. Having said that, she does have a nice rack.:inlove:



Alfrescian (Inf)
It baffles me that a sinkie person can be bothered with some shithole place like palestine and their terrorist citizens when we have many local issues to deal with. Having said that, she does have a nice rack.:inlove:

Liberal trash always support the current thing, and it just so happens that Palestine/Gaza is the most recent current thing. That will change in future, let's see where the fake news media nudge them towards.



The few Fakestinians who say on YouTube they want peace and compromise do not represent the majority who support an Islamic caliphate, mytyrdom jihad and genocide of Jews.


It damn obvious is that she is a new citizen and the prosecutor side is afraid that she will jump bail. For those who has been their roots in Singpapore for long time, it obvious that you can't run road because you have run road.
She has a hometown back in India and she can even stay there for long time to come.


It baffles me that a sinkie person can be bothered with some shithole place like palestine and their terrorist citizens when we have many local issues to deal with. Having said that, she does have a nice rack.:inlove:

In order for the government not to further their WEF goals, is to give them plenty of works to do. Once you have given them free time, they will make sure you will start eating insects and lab grown meat, as well as pushing climate change, vaccine and CBDC agenda further. One of the most effective ways was to protest and make sure the mainstream media are down.

But majority of Singaporeans are just dumb but they think that they are smarter than the government lol